Random_Anon: This is a nice job, and if it's rules', then well done. Uhh, considering there's two of them, should I delete the other?
@ shinazuka
Yes, please do hurry. Blucan and I are getting impatient. I understand that you have other things to do, or in some cases want to do it, but end up doing something else entirely, but please do hurry. :)
InfinityTitian: I can tell the exact steps you used to color the image just by looking at the white halos coming from the lines. But other than that great work, practice makes perfect :D . I expect many great things from you ;)
Anonymous12: WAIT...WAIT...WAIT...they went back in time....he is fucking his mom...eirgo....he mad him self.....which means....gumballs father... IS GUMBALL!!!! PARADOX!!! and if gumball is his own father... anise is his step sister.....so whos is the man of the house?
DrRule34: Okay, going back to the past to fuck your mom when she doesn't even reconize you does not make it any less wrong or more okay. Its still fucked.
Anonymous13: No, Just..... No. Whoever made this should be dead, I will personally make an attemt to hunt them down and cut their fingers off so they can no longer make such mostrosoties.
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@ shinazuka
Yes, please do hurry. Blucan and I are getting impatient. I understand that you have other things to do, or in some cases want to do it, but end up doing something else entirely, but please do hurry. :)
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Do hurry this time will you? Try not getting things in your way alright? ;)
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(do not fuck your mom)
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