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Anonymous1: I guess it was that time again...
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Anonymous2: This is so inspiring I shed a manly tear ;_;
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MrAnon: You just can't always trust made in china.
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AimlessCruzr: It's on backwards
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Anonymous3: That's how Chinese dicks look
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Cancer: ^under 1000x magnifier glass
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champofgalacticretards: Free Civil Porn Memorial?
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JWN926: @Anonymous34: Not sure if talking about pony...
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Krawczyk: Oh, it looks like the US is up finally judging by >>1072
user image
Guess it's time to make it official! /)^3^(\ Merry RE Lee day errypony!
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Roflcakes: What the fuck is even happening anymore?
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JWN926: @Miles_Edgeworth: I'm going to laugh if he tries to find out...
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Miles_Edgeworth: @Roflcakes:
Clearly he want's to show us that Twilight Goat hates black people, just look at her eyes, filled with malicious Intent and brimming with hate.
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Anonymous4: lawd da nigra cock has revelld itself pls da kfc lawd
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Roflcakes: @Miles_Edgeworth: I'd make that face too if some random nig stuffed his junk inside me in front of a whole crowd of people.
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HorseRapedBastard: It's funny because Twilight Sparkle is jewish.
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darthomega55: rule 34....... NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!
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Miles_Edgeworth: @Roflcakes:
The problem Isn't that he put his dick In her, It's that he's black.
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Roflcakes: @Miles_Edgeworth: Can poniesgoats even get AIDS?
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ZZxxZZ: @Roflcakes: EIAV (Equine Infectious Anemia Virus).
Horse AIDS
They can't get human AIDS though.
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Miles_Edgeworth: @ZZxxZZ:
I don't see how that's Important, since she's having sex with a monkey.
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ZZxxZZ: @Miles_Edgeworth: >:O
Racism? On the internet?
I never thought I would live to see this day...
You people sicken me. >:|
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Miles_Edgeworth: @ZZxxZZ:
What do you mean "You people"?!
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Nuxersopus: @ZZxxZZ: I am pretty sure he is just a troll.
Either way, you can't take someone serious who thinks different coloured people are monkeys.
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ZZxxZZ: @Miles_Edgeworth: ;3
@Nuxersopus: I was joking.
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Miles_Edgeworth: @Nuxersopus:
Wha, no, I'm completely cereal guyz.
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Anonymous5: I don't like attractive and successful Africans. This feature sucks!
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Anonymous6: Today chief Obama will take you guns. Very tired of seeing Beyonce super bowl like crap. Go see Lincoln with Django jungle monkeys. Fuck attractive and successful Africans.
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Anonymous7(6): Pony Fag.
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Nightweaver20xx: Do something about it.
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Anonymous8: Fuck you Rule 34. This feature is shit.
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Anonymous9: Happy holidays everyone, as there are many holidays this time of year and it's wrong to single one out.
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Krawczyk: @JWN926: We had 7 that one day 3 celebs bit it in a row, cuz warrior also wanted a Porkyman feature and tit wanted a TDI.

@Anonymous: shit feature for shit person. Its mostly jus about the message. Also the swastika one not feeling like it goes far enough. >>125366
I want som to return some day, and improve this considerably.

And, obviously, the Manson one is in reserve for Manson.
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Miles_Edgeworth: @Krawczyk:
But a rock Is good enough?
Granted there's not much MLK, but still, I would've gladly taken that feature over this one, for shock value alone.
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ZZxxZZ: Michael Winner died today :/
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Anonymous10: @Krawczyk: Lets just agree that Kraw is a fag.
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PostHappy28: Is this the best you got, Rule34?
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Krawczyk: @Anonymous: user image
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DickDockMcCock: In schlongs we trust
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Anonymous11: why is an attractive and successful African scuwhy is an attractive and successful African sculptured on a white rock?lptured on a white rock?
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Anonymous12: See, i was just about to point out it's a black man on white rock, but i'm a quarter-hour too late.
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champofgalacticretards: January 21 is also my birthday
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Anonymous13: Round these parts we have black statues of white guys. So I guess the reverse applies
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Anonymous14(8): Of all the good pictures that deserve a feature, this piece of shit is picked. Faith in humanity lowered severely...
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Tetragrammaton: I wouldn't consider many people here acceptle humans or a part of humanity ... More like scum festering on itself.
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dijitz: You know what's really funny? Everyone descended from Africa, but that's not all. African's are the only true homo-sapians. The rest of the races are mixed with neanderthal blood. You attractive and successful Africans (ignorant mother fuckers) can continue being childish though.
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Anonymous15: Wat
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CreamyThang_: Sigh. Well, it ain't that "doo doo ca ca" garbage on AlbinoBlackSheep...

Feh. Whatever.
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Anonymous16: Proof that attractive and successful Africans are dumb fucks
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Anon_3dot141: A magnificent example of both Rule 8 and Rule 34.
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Dagg: *facepalm*
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Krawczyk: @Anonymous: well do you have anything else more relevant?

@Anon_3dot141: someone isn't looking close enough!
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Anonymous17: I love the internet.
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Anonymous18: Fucking attractive and successful African doesn't deserve a holiday or respect. He was rightfully murdered. Fucking black ass caused trouble through the US and everywhere he went attractive and successful Africans burnt homes and everything.

attractive and successful Africans belong where they were before this jackass. When they knew how to respect people. Now they think they are God and they aren't. Get back in the gutter whole you pieces of shit.

What happened after this dumbass? attractive and successful Africans went on a crime craze robbing, raping, murdering, taking advantage of every law and bypass in the book...

Fucking attractive and successful Africans need to kiss a WHITE ass for a change like they are SUPPOSED to!
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Anonymous19: anon no idea which number but you are a rasist piece of shit
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Anonymous20(19): anon 16 on about
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Anonymous21: There's something wrong with this world. Just reading these comments made me more ignorant.
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Anonymous22: nothing wrong with hating attractive and successful Africans, they hate us to
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Thumper: @Anonymous: that is true wisdom; when confronted with undeniable facts, facts heretofore unknown yet obvious once encountered, it is a humbling experience to ones psyche. Indeed, even more so when the previous 'truths' were wild flights of fancy imagined by drug-addled lunatics, sociopaths, and genocidal madmen, passed off on the the masses as 'higher learning'. Indeed, the emperor has a fine set of clothes, and only the truly correct and diverse can see or appreciate them.
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PostHappy28: @Anonymous: 90% of these comments are just cowards using anonymity to their advantage and posting stuff that they know will get them attention because they can't obtain it in real life. Once 12am hits and the Mods change the Featured Pic, they'll be back to trying to get more attention on less popular pics, therefore failing miserably and probably resulting in them committing suicide.

It's cool to be smart.
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dante22: Y you hate black people Anon 16? Did one take your gurl away from you?
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dante22: girl
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Anonymous23(22): HAPPY attractive and successful African LUTER attractive and successful African DAY !!!!!!!
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DatWood: This site is no better than that shite-hole called 4Chan. Full of racists, homophobes, Bronies, and immature kids. I'll go back to Hentai Foundry where the community is half decent. Yeah, I'm bad bro.
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champofgalacticretards: Happy Birthday to Cculber007, user who is most hated by admins and users!!!!!!!!!!!
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Danielakiiki: @Cculber007- Seconded.
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Anonymous24: Bunch of racist mississippi trailer park trash is all i can see in this comments list, with only a few that have some god damn sense.
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champofgalacticretards: members of Anti-Culber007 Club are RogertheRabbit, Danielakili, deathstriker, Krawczyk, imaajfpstnfo, Gato, Gomenasai,
jubilation_t_cornpone, Freezer, and newest member Suzuka so it is not new news.
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Deadpool: Testy bunch of Anons today, tsk tsk personal issues on pron site. Yet no one has yet to say the pun, "Looks like the good Doctor is...*puts sunglasses on*...rock hard...*CSI MIAMI THEME PLAYS*
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ZZxxZZ: @Cculber007: I'll be your friend :3
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Anony-Miss: @Deadpool: Lol!!
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OrangeBanna: @Deadpool Spot on old chap
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Krawczyk: @DatWood: Did you forget where it originated? Yeesh, kids these days, if ya'll can't lrn yrself some history bout the 'net, how can we expect you to lrn yrself some real history?
I lol'd.

@Cculber007: It's never an official feature until we get indecipherable spanglish.

@Anonymous: I think Boss attractive and successful African up dere done kissed enough white ass in his time, thank you.
You want a true negro of his time to look up to look no further than user image
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Anonymous25: attractive and successful African motherfucking how is this pussniggin loveslumpin porn, cocksucker?
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MamaGoat: ^ You must be blind to not see that awful photoshop.
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Freezer: @Cculber007: You say that like that's a point in your favor.
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Anonymous26(25): @MamaGoat Mothernigger I see it cuckin says the creed of the website but that don't make it porn.
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Anonymous27: rgerdg
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mrbutt2: MLK plagiarized a ton of shit, had a thing for underage girls and melted down about 'omg dats racis u guiz'

in many ways, he was the first true Paheal-ian!
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dennisandmooch: All White America!!!
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Anonymous28: attractive and successful Africans Trump.

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