Anonymous4: I'd like the MLP porno part if it didn't involve putting dicks on the FEMALE ponies. Seriously, that's practically all that I see now when it comes to MLP porn: female ponies with dicks! I'm sick of it! Let chicks be chicks and dicks be dicks!!! Jeeeeeeeeeez!!!!!!
Anonymous6(4): Anon4 again. @ anon5: First of all, I AM NOT GAY!!!! Second, I wouldn't mind seeing a stallion if it meant said stallion was screwing female, though I would enjoy seeing what it would be like if two mares (female ponies, in case you didn't know) were messing with Frankie.
@Saint: Oh, I watch the show alright. And I know the difference between mares and stallions. What I'm saying is leave the dicks on the stallions, who by the way are NOT Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, and let the mares have their vags. Seriously, anytime I search for MLP porn, it's like more than 50% of what has been posted involves all that futa shit. Seriously, can't a straight guy get some straight porn around here?! My God, my dick doesn't even get hard anymore browsing this site!
Saint: @anon4/6 apperently you need to re-watch the show cause the joke is that these cute little ponies are acually burly tough guys, some of their names are Frank, Joe and Earl and they tend to enjoy fighting
Anonymous13: When did the horses and mac swap sides of the fences? or did frankie rotate around? My boner is intrigued but my mind is logistically confused.
Time travel!
You gay son?
@Saint: Oh, I watch the show alright. And I know the difference between mares and stallions. What I'm saying is leave the dicks on the stallions, who by the way are NOT Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, and let the mares have their vags. Seriously, anytime I search for MLP porn, it's like more than 50% of what has been posted involves all that futa shit. Seriously, can't a straight guy get some straight porn around here?! My God, my dick doesn't even get hard anymore browsing this site!
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