Anonymous3: You know your characterization must really suck when people on Rule34, of all places, are criticizing it for being too empty and sex-focused.
Anonymous6: Lol I love how everyone's calling her a lust and they still are coming here to jack off to her.
By the way guys, she's always been a sex freak, even before the new 52. Or did you not notice her costume hasn't changed much and is still really skimpy?
ArmedWithTeaAndSkittles: @Anonymous: New 52 Starfire is barely any different than the previous comic version of Starfire. She was still sex-loving before, still distanced herself from "romantic" sex, and still barely wore anything then either.
Unless you're referencing that awful, vapid, naive idiot that graced TV from 2003-2006. Then yes, they are quite different.
Anonymous7: Well, we can start with New Teen Titans and go from there. Especially jarring to hear a character so motivated by love say love has nothing to do a with it.
I suppose it's a step up for Roy, all things considered.
Anonymous8: Guys, she literally dumped Dick (another character detailed by the new timeline, but his writers have been on crack since the 90s) because he was raped. So, a bit more conservative than you might think.
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By the way guys, she's always been a sex freak, even before the new 52. Or did you not notice her costume hasn't changed much and is still really skimpy?
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Unless you're referencing that awful, vapid, naive idiot that graced TV from 2003-2006. Then yes, they are quite different.
I suppose it's a step up for Roy, all things considered.