Anonymous1: Nights hasn't an explicit gender defined. Nights into Dreams instruction manual defines Nights as "he, she, or it" int the character's description.
I always thought as a kid that Nights was a girl, before I bothered to read the manual.
I have no idea if the Wii game states something different about his/her gender.
Anonymous8: NiGHTS Gender is made to be accustom to the gender of the dreamer that is dreaming.
For instance. If you're female and dreaming, NiGHTS is female. If you're male and dreaming, NiGHTS is female.
NiGHTS is fit to fit the gender of the dreamer.
If NiGHTS is female here, then the dreamer dreaming the dream is female.
Hope this fixes any confusion.
Anonymous10: Yeah but in the nights journey of dreams from wii his voice its from a woman and has more femenine appareance than like reala that is voiced by a man an has more manly apparrance so its a woman morelikelly
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I always thought as a kid that Nights was a girl, before I bothered to read the manual.
I have no idea if the Wii game states something different about his/her gender.
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... =_=
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For instance. If you're female and dreaming, NiGHTS is female. If you're male and dreaming, NiGHTS is female.
NiGHTS is fit to fit the gender of the dreamer.
If NiGHTS is female here, then the dreamer dreaming the dream is female.
Hope this fixes any confusion.