Krawczyk: @TheKommissar: They still would have, but they would have won, and come out pretty progressive too. Hitler's cult of personality prevented necessary changes from occurring and allowed idiots like the SS free reign with resources, transportation, and decisionmaking without retribution from other more important arms of the party.
If you follow the history of the party there is a massive jump in anti-semitism only after industrialists begin pouring money in.
Look further into the past and you will notice a LOT of inquisitions and pogroms take place around the time of their respective countries' nobility falling into debt to 'ursurers and moneylenders.' Inciting the slaughter of jews, the old fashioned way to declare Chapter 11.
Note that Ford was a bit of an oddball, he actually bought into it and believed it completely. He wasn't in direct competition or beholden to Jewish interests.
Anonymous13: @Krawczyk: Lolwut? The war wouldn't have been won, and thats if it even started. The invasion of the rhineland wouldn't have been attempted without Hitler, nor would the assault through the ardennes. WIthout Hitler, Germany would've been fucked in the first year of the war, long before his first military cock-up, Dunkerque.
Even if that wasn't the case, having a better leader wouldn't negate superior allied technology, industry and manpower.
Anonymous15: Don't fuck with the Nazis or insult the Führer unless you know what trouble you are starting and you are ready to deal with it. BLUT UND EHRE!
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maybe if that little jewish fag added himself to the hitlist back in the 1930's, germany wouldnt have been through the shitstorm of ww2
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If you follow the history of the party there is a massive jump in anti-semitism only after industrialists begin pouring money in.
Look further into the past and you will notice a LOT of inquisitions and pogroms take place around the time of their respective countries' nobility falling into debt to 'ursurers and moneylenders.' Inciting the slaughter of jews, the old fashioned way to declare Chapter 11.
Note that Ford was a bit of an oddball, he actually bought into it and believed it completely. He wasn't in direct competition or beholden to Jewish interests.
Even if that wasn't the case, having a better leader wouldn't negate superior allied technology, industry and manpower.