Danielakiiki: I'm pretty sure she has Anon3, people have been setting up DA accounts and posting links to CT/SB/KS's tumblrs on her account. messedupshit.PGN
Anonymous6(2): I'd like to think she finds this creepy and ignore us rather than raging all over us, fuck things up and take down the show. I can't even believe i'm saying this shit, but MLP FiM is pretty much awesome.
Anonymous11: There was a shitstorm a while back when someone randomly blurted out that there's rule34 work of her ponified self within a DA comment about how much he liked her show. I believe she said that it creeped her out.
Anonymous14: She uses DevianTART, aka the second home of Furries online. I suspect having porn made of her OC was an entirely expected outcome of having an OC.
I mean, we have porn of Fluttershy with a penis, it can't get much worse than that.
Anonymous16(15): Nevermind, figured this is an original character of one someone involved in production of MLP. Thought this was one of the show's actual characters, aren't OCs not allowed here? Or is this Lauren chick so special she can be an exception?
Anonymous23: Just what WOULD go through your head if you found a picture of yourself drawn as an Alicorn and sucking a dick? Would it be traumatizing enough to make you don a cape and cowl and begin fighting crime?
moximoore: @Anonymous: I think any sane person would just find it silly and hilarious. Seriously, how can someone get actually upset at something like this. Unless someone got a hold of some of her real life personal videos or photographs and did parodies of that...Then she should be pissed.
Anonymous24: @appealus: Um, you're retarded, you can't make a bad OC for a fucking thing you created, that's just dumb. It's her canon, she can do what she wants.
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I mean, we have porn of Fluttershy with a penis, it can't get much worse than that.
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