Anonymous11: @bAv-R34 - I would be extremely flattered to think that thousands of people around the world might be clopping to me. I would probably clop to it myself.
Also: I haven't seen any Faust-34 that actually shows her cunt. Please to have full penetration shot?
Anonymous12(7): I would be pissed, I mean. I get it, she drew herself as a pony the show is her's it's a bright idea and fun. Then the "fanbase" goes drawing her sucking dick.
I'm a pegasis (female fan), but to me it's not "kinda" it IS disrespectful
Anonymous16: Actually the fandom is idiotic for not learning how to hack and fight off the retarded troll artists which are douchebags and draw all these. Especially the even bigger trolls which publish it on popular sites and make everyone know about it.
Anonymous18: Wow, "Love and Tolerance" broke down kinda fast.
I would personally be flattered were people to start randomly making porn of my characters. Also, I don't see how she couldn't have foreseen that outcome. There is more than one internet joke in MLP... and she posts on DA.
Anonymous23: If by end you mean we won't give a damn about this in about three weeks, you bet. Now, if they were to make a detailed penetration picture...
Anonymous27: No exceptions. As long as people don't try to shove this stuff in Faust's face, I don't see what the problem is. She knows it exists, but she doesn't need constant reminders.
DonkeyPunch: I don't get why it's disrespectful to her. I'd be flattered if I were a creator of a show and I ended up appearing on Paheal. Women seem to have issues over everything.
Anonymous31: The sheer amount of butthurt here is comical.
Lest you fags forget, nothing is safe, nothing is sacred. If it exists, it will be 34'd.
If "the end" is to come, it will be because you all ushered it in yourselves with your whiny faggotry. Don't like it? Move on, or get the fuck off the internet.
Anonymous38: My god, Slugbox is terrible. He relies only on pretty colors and animu! His drawings are a mess, he can't draw ponies for shit, his anatomy is fucking terrible and that dick is so badly drawn it's terrifying.
Decanter: This is porn of ponified Lauren Faust. We only remove the self-insert OCs of people no one gives a shit about, i.e. anyone who would themselves be removed from the site if their nudes were uploaded.
moximoore: What the fuck is wrong with you people? Hell?? We're going to hell for this?
Look, I'm a MLP fan myself but I don't give two shits about Faust' Ponysana getting dicked. In fact, it's a pretty sweet pic.
We've gone too far?? Seriously, just because she created the CONCEPT and characters for the show the show (It's been around for almost 30 years) does not make her Jesus.....WE HAVE PORN OF PEOPLE FUCKING JESUS FOR HIS SAKES. O_O
Anonymous43: ^^^
True. But this is the world of the Internet, of course you'll run into stuff like this and have whiny bitches bitching about it. Only thing you could do is not give a fuck about them or put them down like "Why are you even here". Never feed a troll/Whiny Bitch.
Anonymous46: before lauren faust women could only make me cry threw my penis and that's why this is seen as offensive. its because its seen as a perversion of the love in our hearts :P but she is the one who drew this sexy sexy OC. and she is an adult guys. so just chill.
Anonymous50: Yes I said specifically I was creeped out about this stuff. AND that I was very adamant about my OC to NOT be drawn as porn. I don't care what you all do with the others, but my OC was the ONE exception.
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How would you feel if you made a little thing that got popular pretty quickly and people start drawing you choking on a million dicks?
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Also: I haven't seen any Faust-34 that actually shows her cunt. Please to have full penetration shot?
I'm a pegasis (female fan), but to me it's not "kinda" it IS disrespectful
I know you guys want to be original and sound like a ponyweeaboo but.. please.
I would personally be flattered were people to start randomly making porn of my characters. Also, I don't see how she couldn't have foreseen that outcome. There is more than one internet joke in MLP... and she posts on DA.
Lauren Faust lurks on 4chan. SHE HAS SEEN FAR WORSE.
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That's the entire fandom right there.
Lest you fags forget, nothing is safe, nothing is sacred. If it exists, it will be 34'd.
If "the end" is to come, it will be because you all ushered it in yourselves with your whiny faggotry. Don't like it? Move on, or get the fuck off the internet.
Childhood rape? Don't care
Trivializing seriours things? Don't care
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It looks like his head has been replaced by a penis.
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Don't report Faust pony.
Look, I'm a MLP fan myself but I don't give two shits about Faust' Ponysana getting dicked. In fact, it's a pretty sweet pic.
We've gone too far?? Seriously, just because she created the CONCEPT and characters for the show the show (It's been around for almost 30 years) does not make her Jesus.....WE HAVE PORN OF PEOPLE FUCKING JESUS FOR HIS SAKES. O_O
True. But this is the world of the Internet, of course you'll run into stuff like this and have whiny bitches bitching about it. Only thing you could do is not give a fuck about them or put them down like "Why are you even here". Never feed a troll/Whiny Bitch.
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