bAv-R34: All brony vs. hater arguments are actually just pony-furfags vs. sonicfags.
So this is pretty much a rather accurate pony-related flame war on the internet.
bAv-R34: Also, @anon6: If the ponyfags were mad, they would be posting ponies raping the shit out of the haters.
Instead, the only pony-related hate you see is ponies getting killed.
So no, we are not offended.
Plus this image is shit, so that makes me slightly annoyed that you people are trying so hard with your [hopeless] anti-pony crusades.
Anonymous14: krazy: YES. Well, actually, I think MLP:FiM has a slightly higher production value than SatAM. It's probably just the media in which it is displayed (Flash) that's making it seem so much cleaner and well defined.
But story wise ... yeah, kinda. They both are very well written series.
jubilation_t_cornpone: "Disgusting and racist" is not a valid reason to report an image. It's not against the rules and there is no shortage of disgusting and racist shit here already.
Besides, I don't think ponies vs. sonic would be related to race anyway. More like species.
bAv-R34: @anon18
Ha, you wish.
And I do know why people hate us.
We are 18-30 year-olds watching a little girl's show and we enjoy it, which is apparently morally wrong to you people.
So by your standards it is morally wrong and it makes you a pedophile if you enjoy an actually good cartoon for once (compared to the rest of the shit we have today) and it instantly labels you as a manchild if you like cartoons in the first place. How nice of you.
Anonymous24: Why so mad? You're all so sensitive about something and take it so very personally when ONE picture of ONE pony is punched by a character who just may very well be lame.
It's almost pathetic how enraged some fans get when someone openly disagrees with them. This goes for all fanbases, Sonic, MLP, Halo, it doesn't matter. There are people just like you who "claim" to be more mature or better and say the "hater" is "shit" for expressing their disapproval, especially when nothing is directed at you personally yet you retaliate with direct insults. Then proceed to express how not angry you are, which is ironic, because such retaliation is often exhibited by angry people, and not by those who are "not offended".
Anonymous29: Anon 26 FUCKING THIS!
Ponyfags act so sensitive, we don't give a fuck if you like it or not, the problem is that rather than act like a mature person and just let this go on, you all respond like raging childs, yes any mature person could like a child's show but the differnce between them and you is that they act like mature persons in everything else, you are clearly the contrary, child.
Anonymous30: bAv-R34, Jesus Fucking Christ, no, that's not it.
You are entitled to like anything you want. There ate people that like far worse things than ponies. That is not the problem.
I can't believe that you people still think we hate you because you like something "girly."
I am not accusing you personally of the following reasons, but MLP fans are hated because they are completely insufferable. They are the very embodiment of the reason that people hate furfags. They go on other sites dedicated to different content and monopolize the conversation. They roleplay constantly. They make up their own culture and terminology and shove it in everyone's faces. And after an entire year of this nonstop behavior, they show no signs of stopping.
We who cannot stand you don't hate you because we hate happiness and sunshine and rainbows. We hate you because you have no real consideration to those that don't think the way you do, and you still have the nerve to act like you're the victim.
And you won't stop. You'll continue to attract more and more "bronies" to your cause like so many flies to a rotting corpse. And you will disregard everything I've said here.
Danielakiiki: LOL @ the 'Serious Business' caused by this pic. PherociousEso, if it's truely you posting, thanks for tha pic. I'm adult enough to accept ALL ART (as long as it's well drawn or have interesting situations) of this program I've enjoyed. For the rest of the butt hurt 'bronies' in this thread......TOLERATE AND LOVE THE HELL OUT OF THIS PIC AND ARTIST! Isn't that what Bronies are about????? Glad I'm just a fan and not a 'Bronie', just love the show and the fan art, 34 and not 34.
Anonymous31(30): We don't give a flying fuck what you like. You could think Chris-chan is the most brilliant artist and writer for all I care, and I won't judge you for it.
I'm sick of seeing this everywhere.
I can't believe you people.
I can't believe that you think we hate you for anything other than your insufferable behavior.
I am done. I apologize for the rant. I am very tired and drunk.
Anonymous32: I have not seen examples of bronies purposefully invading other places... Hey Anon32, could you throw me a link or two of this invasion you speak of? I would really like to ee it for myself.
Anonymous33: uh.. Sonic colors? Half of unleashed? Sonic 4? Sega all-stars racing?? And the upcoming Sonic Generations!? Sonic's doin better lately last time I checked... I aint saying "HES THE BAEST THANG EVAR GUYZ!!!", just pointing out that hes doing pretty good lately.
AnOniMouse: Also A32, never in all mah years have Ah seen a pony roleplayer in a coments section. I do declayah, I reckon, yer argument is bullshit, I however will take it into consideration if you could produce evidence with which to back up your point.
Anonymous35: To,repeat what was said in a more civil manner, no one cares that you like a show meant for little girls, while you yourselves are 18-30 years old. That's absurd. Look at how many other people there are that like children's cartoons out there. You are entitled to watch and enjoy anything you wish.
There is more I would like to say to answer some more questions, but the site says my text is banned.
Anyway, we came here to fap and lol. If we are 18-30 like you say we are, we should do that instead of raging over a picture.
Anonymous37: Having Sonic punching Rainbow Dash is pretty lame, if only because Sonic's a fag. You might as well have drawn Chris-chan doing the punching. Whatever, quit bawwwing guys. Furfags be hatin', we just gotta keep toleratin'
Anonymous40(35): You ARE furries, bAv.
There's nothing inherently wrong with that.
But you are.
This seems to be an argument akin to furries complaining about "fursecution."
Anonymous45(27): Do ponies count as furry? Or is it straight up beast? I could crank one out depending on the furry, but I think I gotta draw the line at quadrupedal creatures. At some point it's like... I might as well be jackin' to the neighbor's dog.
Anonymous47: I've played Sonic games since 1991. I still like him.
I watched G1 My Little Pony back in the 1980s (because I was waiting for TMNT to come on), it was okay to me, I eventually gave the new show a chance and I liked it.
But I want nothing to do with either fanbase, and this thread is why.
Anonymous48(33): I agree with anon 36 and 44 to a point, I loved the little blue guy from 1991 up untill 2003 when sonic heroes came along. I started to drift away at that point, but i still would look up once in awhile to see what he was upto! After many years of face palms, I was really happy to finally see him do good, and when I heard of Generations, I just had to get it! (which I will ^^). I dont want him to die off completely, just release 1 game once a year, and not 41.
Anonymous54(33): Im probably nuts then cause I love Sonic and My little Pony! Not to the extreme like some people, but I am a fan of both franchises regardless. I stuck through those many years of bad games, but I didnt be that stupid sonic fan that opens his big mouth (you know what I mean). I waited quietly... And waited some more! Untill the time would come for me to fully enjoy Sonic Games AGAIN!! And recently with Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations, I have found peace once again, AND IT FEELS... *Sunglasses* ... WAY PAST COOL!
Yeah, Anon 26 here. AKA Eso. AKA that fuck behind this picture.
I'd like to say, this picture has little to do with "Sonic vs MLP" It could have been anyone punching that Pony and the point would have been the same. This apparently sonicfag vs brony(ponyfag) rage was just an added bonus.
Anon 32 pretty much hit the nail on the head and Danielakiiki is a pretty cool guy for liking MLP but not being so a obsessed child about it, AKA "Brony"
In my eyes, a Brony is equal to that of a Sonicfag, which is the same as any other ragingly obsessed person about anything. And that really does go for anything. If you're so obsessed that something like this throws you off into a steaming rage, you're a child. Plain and simple.
Gotta love all the mad bronies saying "Fuck Sonic and the sonicfags" like it's any different from them. It's people like that who will never understand what this picture is really about. Have fun kiddies. To those of you cool peeps, whether you like sonic, mlp, Porkyman, whatever the fuck, stay cool.
Anonymous57: Exactly, 58.
For someone who claims to be 18-30, I was suspicious that bAv was underage from his subpar reasoning and his putting emotion before logic.
Anonymous71: i fucking hated sonic from the beginning -.- cant make anything good and Rainbow Dash is way fucking better than a gay ass hedgehog piece of crap
First they go around telling everyone that they have a controversial hobby. Then they cry about the fact that people "from the outside" are prejudiced against them.
Someone should draw a brony version of that furry pride pic with the Gandhi quote.
Anonymous80: Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm middle finger to the newest addition to the pantheon of FUCKING ANNOYING FANBASES...
Bronies will join the ranks of such fucktard fanbases such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy 7, Kindom Hearts, Call of Duty/Battlefield, Bleach, and Naruto!
Congratulations!! You will be awarded -1000 internets for your remarkable achievement!
Anonymous83: Nightmare Moon and Dr. Robotnik have teamed up and tricked Sonic and Dash into fighting. Now work can begin on the "Metal Little Pony" robots and both worlds will be conquered.
Anonymous84: I like how all arguements againts bronys are basicly a copy and past. Ex: Damn (insert noun)fags! Every where I go its just (insert fanbase of noun)! You all get so sensitive over a pic/vid/doc and complain in the comments! The funny part is that you dont really come across ponys that often unless you are searching for them(or have already searched for them). This is also usually followed by the commenter basicly saying that they are the only mature and intellegent ones and that everyone else is below them because they are having a flame war on the internet(as if they have never taken part of one). Ironicly everything the commenter said can be applyed to themselfs.
Anonymous85: I'm more of a Sonicfag than a Ponyfag, but I can tell you both ransoms can only be judged by 3 things
1. Actual Show
2. It's fanned behavior
3. It's fanbase fanitems (art, comic, videos, etc.)
Sonic games, despite some player's beliefs, have received great reviews on sites that sell them and I have enjoyed most of them myself (Sonic 06, get the fuck out of my statement). The fan base can speedrun pretty quickly and is helpful with others that want to. We all know Alvin-Earthworm's piece of art, and there is a another good DBZ like sonic that I forgot the name of.
Now MLP. The roleplaying kind of freaks me out but.... that's just my opinion. The show of course, Is original, well-made, and I can easily pair it with adventure time's awesomeness.
I hate dubstep, and I don't like reading, at all...which makes me wonder how I read all those comments, so fanfics and like 99% or their music is dead to me. I can't really give good credit to people who take parts of the show and edit it and call it their own. (Sorry, Exlcluding Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Etc.) But there's one video that is probably the funniest, the one hotdiggitydemon always makes. There on the comment I can find non-butthurt brines and it makes me sad what I see here. The art in there, is majestic. Although I have to say Big fandom, Lots of great art, Lots of stupid art.
Wow did I actually take the time to write this? I think my hotdogs are burning right now
Anonymous86: From what I have skimmed over it appears as if you guys think all bronies are all roleplaying butthurt fags and I'll admit that there are a number of them but not all are like that, I am a brony but some of the cosplay that some of them do looks fucking retarded and I don't really much care for the roleplay. Now I also like Sonic and have played Sonic on NES and quite enjoyed it.
A nice example: Summarising all Christians as 9/11 loving peace hating gay bashing group ( )
TL;DR? Generalising a group doesn't give a accurate portrayal of the members
And now I wait to get called a fag
Ambivalent: -sarcasm-: LOLZ! This is liek, so funny cause it's offencive and appeals to my teenage angst and repressed agression. LAWL I am such a rebel! FAGS FAGS FAGS! You mad?-end sarcasm-
Anonymous88: Anon77 Sonic could not lose a race fair race against Dash. Dash struggles to break the sound barrier whereas Sonic can do it in about 2-5 seconds.
Anonymous92: I say! This picture has rumbled up quite a story! The gripping plot line about Sonicfaggotry and Sonicfags against the infamous brony scum, as they duke it out in the comments section of a poorly drawn picture! The story follows Warren Noobmore, A young internet explorer who loves being a brony and a Sonicfag at the same time, Who comes across a picture of Sonic the Hedgehog violently punching Rainbow Dash in the face. Little did he know that the picture would start a violent war. He's flung into the front-lines as a brony soldier who is trying to understand war and the retarded back story behind this all while trying to survive and get back home safely. Along the way he will face many challenges that will determine who decides to ultimately fight for and two high commanders on the opposing sides: PherociousEso the general of the Sonicfags and creator of the controversial picture, and the dashing and seductive Lauren Faust creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Which shall he fight for? The dying hopeless pussy ass race of Sonicfags from The Federation of Mobius? Or the the annoying bash your fucking face into the computer screen, rapidly growing empire of the bronies from The United Socialist States of The Equestrian brotherhood? Find out all this and more in the novel "Brony's Heart" by Dante Watsky a former Sonicfag turned into a loving tolerating Socialist Sonic and sonicfag hating Brony.
Anonymous93: what the fuck its just a picture and its not even that GOOD so what FUCK RAINBOWS you god awful brony fuckers but dont think i side with you sonic nazis sonic is DEAD and my little pony is RETARDED
Anonymous96(92): As the war continues Warren Noobmore has been promoted to Sergeant Major and is helping lead the charge on South Island. A strip of territory guarded by Sonicfag civilian soldiers who are poorly equipped, untrained, and outnumbered. Will Sgt. Warren be able to lead his men to victory? Or will these low life cloppers be out done by an army of worshipers of a dead mascot? Find out in chapter 4: "Operation horse cock".
Anonymous97(92): The bronies have successfully captured South Island without a scratch on them by using unreasonable flags and attempted image bans. Though the picture still remains active our hero Warren Noobmore has now been placed into a P.O.W. camp under sonicfag control. Will his trusted countrymen be able to save him? Or will he be raped by the sonifag gayness? Stay tuned for chapter 6: " Black buster critic? Never Heard of him!".
Anonymous98: ...Uh, did anyone think this may not be about Ponies? It may just be about Sonic getting pissed at someone for thinking they're faster than him? Afterall, he say's "Fuckin' Rainbows" not "Fuckin' Ponies"
Anonymous100(89): They'll just come crawling up your leg and start biting the inside of your ass.. I'm talkin about rainbows! i hate those friggin things.
Anonymous102(92): So, yeah I'm no longer being paid to write that story about this war... So yeah fuck you bronies and especially fuck you sonic fags. I gotta take a shit. Ballz. Tits. Whatever....
Anonymous107: @Anonymous1/2 Fuck you, you brain-dead autistic bronie, Sonic makes amazing games, youre just pissed off because youre god is being desecrated, its just fucking fanart, i like both Sonic and MLP, but im not a melodramatic fan, and also this isn't even hentai, it should be removed from the website.
Anonymous108(107): @Anonymous1/2 Fuck you, you autistic brain-dead brony piece of shit, Sonics games are amazing, you're just butthurt because youre idol is being desecrated, its just fucking fanart asshole. Guys i like Sonic and MLP both, im not an overdramatic fan like this douchebag but this isnt even hentai, it needs to be removed from the site.
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It's just the internet doing what it does best.
I hope you're not thinking of complaining that this is a form of antipony "discrimination"
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So this is pretty much a rather accurate pony-related flame war on the internet.
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Instead, the only pony-related hate you see is ponies getting killed.
So no, we are not offended.
Plus this image is shit, so that makes me slightly annoyed that you people are trying so hard with your [hopeless] anti-pony crusades.
Sonic X < Shit
Sonic SatAM = MLP:FIM
Anyone think the same?
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go back to draw Porkyman/sonic hybrids please
Also, I came looking for RAEG, and I was not let down. I am pleased.
But story wise ... yeah, kinda. They both are very well written series.
And you seem to think that you are being unjustly discriminated against.
You probably don't even know the real reason as to why people hate you.
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Besides, I don't think ponies vs. sonic would be related to race anyway. More like species.
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Ha, you wish.
And I do know why people hate us.
We are 18-30 year-olds watching a little girl's show and we enjoy it, which is apparently morally wrong to you people.
So by your standards it is morally wrong and it makes you a pedophile if you enjoy an actually good cartoon for once (compared to the rest of the shit we have today) and it instantly labels you as a manchild if you like cartoons in the first place. How nice of you.
It's almost pathetic how enraged some fans get when someone openly disagrees with them. This goes for all fanbases, Sonic, MLP, Halo, it doesn't matter. There are people just like you who "claim" to be more mature or better and say the "hater" is "shit" for expressing their disapproval, especially when nothing is directed at you personally yet you retaliate with direct insults. Then proceed to express how not angry you are, which is ironic, because such retaliation is often exhibited by angry people, and not by those who are "not offended".
So glad I drew this.
sawnic girl chars are hawt, mlp has no hawt girls. Fail!
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Ponyfags act so sensitive, we don't give a fuck if you like it or not, the problem is that rather than act like a mature person and just let this go on, you all respond like raging childs, yes any mature person could like a child's show but the differnce between them and you is that they act like mature persons in everything else, you are clearly the contrary, child.
You are entitled to like anything you want. There ate people that like far worse things than ponies. That is not the problem.
I can't believe that you people still think we hate you because you like something "girly."
I am not accusing you personally of the following reasons, but MLP fans are hated because they are completely insufferable. They are the very embodiment of the reason that people hate furfags. They go on other sites dedicated to different content and monopolize the conversation. They roleplay constantly. They make up their own culture and terminology and shove it in everyone's faces. And after an entire year of this nonstop behavior, they show no signs of stopping.
We who cannot stand you don't hate you because we hate happiness and sunshine and rainbows. We hate you because you have no real consideration to those that don't think the way you do, and you still have the nerve to act like you're the victim.
And you won't stop. You'll continue to attract more and more "bronies" to your cause like so many flies to a rotting corpse. And you will disregard everything I've said here.
I'm sick of seeing this everywhere.
I can't believe you people.
I can't believe that you think we hate you for anything other than your insufferable behavior.
I am done. I apologize for the rant. I am very tired and drunk.
There is more I would like to say to answer some more questions, but the site says my text is banned.
Anyway, we came here to fap and lol. If we are 18-30 like you say we are, we should do that instead of raging over a picture.
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To like something that other people hate makes you a manly person, and real men wear fucking pink.
As for the rest of the argument, That's furries for you. Regular bronies are just regular people who watch a girl's show and that's that.
So ITT: furries bashing each other for liking a shitty game and a girly show
inb4 "bAv is a fucking idiot who likes faggot ponies and is a pedophile furry, etc."
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You deal with that. You'd have to be stupid or in denial not to see that. You getting upset contradicts your own claim that
Is that supposed to prove him wrong?
And Why are people still fighting?
Can we lock the conversation here to prevent more rage?
There's nothing inherently wrong with that.
But you are.
This seems to be an argument akin to furries complaining about "fursecution."
Whatever you say.
I watched G1 My Little Pony back in the 1980s (because I was waiting for TMNT to come on), it was okay to me, I eventually gave the new show a chance and I liked it.
But I want nothing to do with either fanbase, and this thread is why.
Now let's never speak of this again.
Anon53, that crazy talk. You're crazy.
Yeah, Anon 26 here. AKA Eso. AKA that fuck behind this picture.
I'd like to say, this picture has little to do with "Sonic vs MLP" It could have been anyone punching that Pony and the point would have been the same. This apparently sonicfag vs brony(ponyfag) rage was just an added bonus.
Anon 32 pretty much hit the nail on the head and Danielakiiki is a pretty cool guy for liking MLP but not being so a obsessed child about it, AKA "Brony"
In my eyes, a Brony is equal to that of a Sonicfag, which is the same as any other ragingly obsessed person about anything. And that really does go for anything. If you're so obsessed that something like this throws you off into a steaming rage, you're a child. Plain and simple.
Gotta love all the mad bronies saying "Fuck Sonic and the sonicfags" like it's any different from them. It's people like that who will never understand what this picture is really about. Have fun kiddies. To those of you cool peeps, whether you like sonic, mlp, Porkyman, whatever the fuck, stay cool.
For someone who claims to be 18-30, I was suspicious that bAv was underage from his subpar reasoning and his putting emotion before logic.
The End
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Yee yeeeuh!
anon59 that's how all Americans act, they'll all a bunch of overgrown manchildren. Have you not turned on the telly lately?
Any dude who likes that pony crap needs to have their man license revoked.
Sonic: Reach for the staaars and-
Rainbow Dash: Search for friendship and magi-
*Sawnik Pawnch*
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First they go around telling everyone that they have a controversial hobby. Then they cry about the fact that people "from the outside" are prejudiced against them.
Someone should draw a brony version of that furry pride pic with the Gandhi quote.
Bronies will join the ranks of such fucktard fanbases such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy 7, Kindom Hearts, Call of Duty/Battlefield, Bleach, and Naruto!
Congratulations!! You will be awarded -1000 internets for your remarkable achievement!
- Reply
1. Actual Show
2. It's fanned behavior
3. It's fanbase fanitems (art, comic, videos, etc.)
Sonic games, despite some player's beliefs, have received great reviews on sites that sell them and I have enjoyed most of them myself (Sonic 06, get the fuck out of my statement). The fan base can speedrun pretty quickly and is helpful with others that want to. We all know Alvin-Earthworm's piece of art, and there is a another good DBZ like sonic that I forgot the name of.
Now MLP. The roleplaying kind of freaks me out but.... that's just my opinion. The show of course, Is original, well-made, and I can easily pair it with adventure time's awesomeness.
I hate dubstep, and I don't like reading, at all...which makes me wonder how I read all those comments, so fanfics and like 99% or their music is dead to me. I can't really give good credit to people who take parts of the show and edit it and call it their own. (Sorry, Exlcluding Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Pony Etc.) But there's one video that is probably the funniest, the one hotdiggitydemon always makes. There on the comment I can find non-butthurt brines and it makes me sad what I see here. The art in there, is majestic. Although I have to say Big fandom, Lots of great art, Lots of stupid art.
Wow did I actually take the time to write this? I think my hotdogs are burning right now
A nice example: Summarising all Christians as 9/11 loving peace hating gay bashing group ( )
TL;DR? Generalising a group doesn't give a accurate portrayal of the members
And now I wait to get called a fag
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What the hell are you talking about?
I'm talkin about rainbows! i hate those friggin things.
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Thank you.