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UploaderStickyMon, avatar
TagsHeather, Izzy, Stickymon, Total_Drama
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Info638x822 // 601KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: AWESOME! Moar?
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Hero: Could see her doing this moar plz
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Anonymous2: need!!!
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Anonymous3: Sorry folks. Commissioner of these fine pictures here. That's all there is of this comic.... for now. [insert generic villainous laughter here] *cough cough wheeeezeee*
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Anonymous4: I don't know why I find a futa Izzy fucking all the other Total Drama girls so hot, but i don't care. Maybe it's because it feels so in character for her if she really did.
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LoboBobo: that would be hotter if she had a strap on not a dick
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Anonymous6: Sorry folks. Commissioner of these tranny garbage fails here. In my free time, I suck cocks, take it up the ass, and ruin the last bastion of normal heterosexual men... for now. If my mom lets me, I'll become a full-fledged trap and change my name to Birdetta McNutsack
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Anonymous7: @Anon6 "I'm sorry I have to ruin others people things and post retard comments cause I'm angry 13 year old looking at p0rn on the internet, who never actually seen a real vag before, and thus I have to vent my pent up frustration elsewhere" and that's pretty much, how you sound like to me. Also your text reads in my mind like being spoken by a castrated midget (no offense to other castrated beings and/or the little people).

You do know saying that if you don't like something you can always not watch it, troll ?
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Anonymous8: Replace Izzy with a guy.
Then I'll fap to it.
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O_Rly: ^Agreed.
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Anonymous9: ^Agreed 2
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Anonymous10: You'd...rather see a guy? That's kinda gay.
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anomalous: There's a dick there either way.
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ZeusBeta: Chick with a dick = gay no matter how you spin it.

The very idea you'd ever want to see that - even off to the side, is gay.

So I agree with anon 8.
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Anonymous11: GemLord:
Hey, if you like trannies, you're the twisted fucktard.
Liking a girl with a dick is followed by coming out of the closet.
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Anonymous12: wow internet trolls, theres a differnce between being gay and having a tranny fetish
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Anonymous13: so... watching a woman with a penis fucking another woman is gay, but watching a man fuck a woman with his penis isn't??? If anything its lesbian. Would it be different if she had a strap-on? if she had a strap-on she couldn't do a cumshot, but its totally straight to fap to a dude's cum face and jizzing everywhere. OR, fuck all this gay-straight bullshit and just fap to whatever the fuck you want to, who gives a fuck. or learn how to fucking draw and draw it yourself instead of bitching all the time.
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MrAnon: If you're attracted to the form of the opposet sex even if it has your genders genitalia, I consider that straight.

If you are attracted to the form of the same gender with same genitalia, you are gay/lesbian.

If you are attracted to sex no matter the gender, you are bi-sexual.

I think we can all agree to that.
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Anonymous14: normally the whole chicks w/ dicks thing disgusts me but in this case its 1 awesome character with another hot character and theres double the boobs and double the ass with only 1 dick, for this specific comic i'd say its a win-win
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Anonymous15: am i the only1 that loves izzy's face in panel 4?
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Anonymous16: FIRST MO FUCKA
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Anonymous18: fun fact peoples futanari and shemale porn number one target audiance are straight males
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Anonymous19: Anon11: "Someone has a different opinion from me, they're trolls!"

Anon12: Da fuck you smoking, brah?

MrAnon: No. If you like trannies, you like guys pretending to be women. Thus, you're gay with daddy problems.

Anon17: Uh, no. People who like futanari/shemale porn are guys who haven't had the guts to admit they're gay yet. Seriously, it's so obvious. You should give up trying to make it sound straight.
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Guy and Shemale/Futa: Slightly gay, Bi territory

Guy and Girl: Striaght/bi (if one likes same-sex as well)

Guy and Guy: Gay (men), straight/bi (women)

Girl and Shemale/Futa: Slightly lesbian, bi territory (likely straight as well for men)

Girl and Girl: Lesbian (women), straight/bi (men)

The fact you wasted your time commenting and not just finding a different picture/drawing one on your own: Stupid

Anon 19 AWAY!
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Anonymous21: the way i see it its only ok to fab if shes fucking another chick unless ur focusing on the dick.
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Anonymous22(21): oops *fap
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Anonymous23(21): p.s. NEVER drop the soap lol
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Anonymous24: The sounds at 21:27 of TDI Episode 16 go very well with this.
(heather under the shower and getting a surprise)
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Anonymous25: The sad part is when people argue about porn...
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Anonymous26: Anon18 sure likes talking about hiding in the closet... something you need to tell us?
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king_of_awsome: SHUT UP, ENJOY THE PORN, AND FAP!!!
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Anonymous27: Ya see people if Heather had a penis it could be considered gay. But since she doesnt and Izzy does does that really make it gay or just closer to a guy/girl sex scene? Tryin to stop the bad blood.
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Anonymous28: Silly king you should know better and 18 is obviously a rightwing texan yokel and almost a bigger troll than witchan
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Anonymous29: meh, gayness is in the eye of the beholder. i dont find dudes attractive, i find this attractive, that's all i care about.
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Anonymous30: and that's why you don't drop the soap kids
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Anonymous31: Haha, I can't believe this whole argument spawned out of my 'gay' comment. Hilarious.
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Anony-Miss: I think I'd prefer a futa scene rather than a normal guyxgirl scene just because it's so taboo and out of the ordinary.
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Anonymous32: God damn it, did you guys seriously argue about porn?
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Anonymous33: Not understanding why people care if someone over the internet knows/thinks your gay... I'm bisexual get the fuck over it xDD
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: I rather look at tits than a set of beard and chesthair though.
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AnonymouslyAgnostic: Arguments in the comments of MMMYYYYYY porn? I think not!
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CodyStreets: God damn, all these pics I'm just now seeing after having seen many times...

Also, retarded comments are retarded.
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Anonymous35: Trannys replace the man in porn but without removing the penis and adding more tits!
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Anonymous37: Fuck you Anonymously agnostic this isn't your thumbnail your just some stupid 13 year old who finally decided to get out of the closet and wants to seem cool so basically fuck off this isn't yours
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Anonymous38(37): @AnonymouslyAgnostic: fuck off this isn't yours you piece off shit
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Anonymous39: insteed of a dick couldn't you use a dilldo?
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Anonymous40: Are you cunts really arguing about porn? Seriously what are you guys, twelve year olds?
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Suzuka: girls with dicks...
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Anonymous41: The fact a lot of you people are arguing about porn is pretty fucking sad, do something constructive with your lives people.
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Pyroking: Guess all she needed was to let off steam, Heather did.

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