DoctorSepiida: Which seems to really piss off a lot of alpha!John <3 Vriska shippers even worse than alpha!John <3 Rose or Vriska <3 Kanaya. It's almost as confusing as that Naruto x Sasuke vs. Sasuke x Naruto shipping war.
Anonymous3: Maaaaaaaaybe this identifies me as a fan of this ship, BUT, see the argument concerning the uncertainty of Vriska's death being final, in that her clock was destroyed *with the crowbar*.
Anonymous4(2): @Doctor With John <3 Vriska as one of my favorite ships, it doesn't piss me off that much. It jsut annoys me that if Vriska doesn't have the alpha!John, I would prefer she have Kanaya. Because I don't want her to be alone, and I hate Kanaya <3 Rose.
Anonymous5: Fuck you Anon 1, John and Vriska are boning each other all of the moments in Dream Bubble afterlife, occasionally joined by the Big Huss himself.
Anonymous7: They are indubitably in love, and anyone who says otherwise has the inference capabilities of a cane toad. I also agree with the statement that her death may not be final. Food for (awesome) thought.
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