Anonymous3: What I want to know is - how the hell did that thing move a chunk of bedrock?
Or the better question - who in the hell was able to build a house out of bedrock?!?
Anonymous10: awesome thing 'bout endermen(or, in this case, enderwomen) is they only attack if you place your cross hair directly over them, but, they freeze as long as you keep looking at them.
Anonymous17(15): Minecraft is not a good game. what is that creature? why did it want to steal a chunk of the building? if it wanted to do that then why would it still want to insert its butt into the hole for sex? i swear i will sue this company "Mojang" for teaching our children these insane messages.
Anonymous22: @anon 17 1abviusly the people who are here like the game
2 its an ender (wo)man
3 cuz thats what thy do
4 it probably removed that block to willingly place her ass there to create the ultimate trap or maybe she was just horny
5 i dont think mojang did this picture themselves
Anonymous29: wowwww....@ anon 17 I love how you don't object to video game porn, but have this dumbass "family values" opinion about the video game itself. People like you remind me of how often people contradict themselves.
Anonymous34: I hate when people say terrible things about minecraft and mojang. Mojang never thought minecraft would become so famous and they didnt know people would draw about it they just wanted to make a game about building and creating things. But then comes people that says it is their foult for it all but it is nott so people please stop talking trash about mojang and minecraft
Anonymous41: che if this is trolling what was it i did with that raging git seeman?
that said i prefer playing minecraft with the weeping angel mod that was messed up for the 100s of angels that spawn. don't blink and stay off flat terrain
Anonymous43: @Anonymous: Go to the Config in your .minecraft, and select the WeepingAngelsMod file, then set the SpawnRate down to 1. Be wary, however, because a surprising amount STILL spawn, especially on Superflat worlds.
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Or the better question - who in the hell was able to build a house out of bedrock?!?
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2 its an ender (wo)man
3 cuz thats what thy do
4 it probably removed that block to willingly place her ass there to create the ultimate trap or maybe she was just horny
5 i dont think mojang did this picture themselves
Go ahead and sue so I can see you lose.
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that said i prefer playing minecraft with the weeping angel mod that was messed up for the 100s of angels that spawn. don't blink and stay off flat terrain