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TagsDragon's_Crown, Torathi, elf, featured_image
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Osprey: "My ass has finally decided to EAT MY HAND! It hungers for more!" - Dr. Weird
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Anonymous1: Thats not where i left my keys
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Getter_the_Great: You never know where treasures might be hiding - explore everywhere!

P.S. Featured for stateside release, meaning all you faggots no longer have an excuse not to play it.
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Roflcakes: Needs moar porn of that fairy companion.
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Anonymous2: Why is this feat?
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anomalous: Because it was just released I assume.
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Anonymous3: The onl carater whose design makes sense in this game is the one that gets featured?NIIIICE
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Anonymous4: no dick? fucking gross
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Anonymous5: Are there any other girls that actuly use this site
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Anonymous6: dose it hurt
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Anonymous7: Yes. There are other girls that come to this site. But the matter of the fact is, most of them aren't looking for dicks.
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Lapp: What Anon7 said.
There's quite a few women on /a/ yaoi threads, if you're really that interested in finding persons of female nature on the Internet.
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Anonymous8: @7 considering her arm would have to bend at an impossible angle, id say yes.
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TheIslandOko: @Osprey: Fuckin' LOL! I read this in his voice!!
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Anonymous9: So let me get this straight
this got featured, merely because it is a character from a newly released game?
Weal rule34, weak
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Neeckin: @Anonymous: It's also kind of fucking weird looking, so there's that
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Anonymous10(9): @Neeckin: Weird looking how? It's just a girl fisting herself, that is pretty common you know. Especially considering what usually is being featured here.
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yarrmateys: @Getter the Great: oh yes i do. no pc nor psp release.

i don't have nor plan to get a ps3 anytime soon, and vita until it's fully cracked like the psp is now.
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Anonymous11: Come on, guys! You can't let the horror of the last featured picture fade away JUST yet. Let's jolt some memories.

"My ass is eating my"
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Anonymous12: This is gross
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Trev-Head: Yuck
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Anonymous13: Boring feature
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Anonymous14: oh jesus, her arm can't bend that way

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Anonymous15: How the fuck did this pic got featured?
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Anonymous16: This is in honor of the radiation from the Atomic Bomb that will always have an ever-lasting effect of brain damage on the Japanese. Forever.
August 6th, 1945, NEVER FORGET!
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cosmin: @Anonymous:
Relevance to new game?
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Anonymous17: planet sheen, only exception to rule 34; just saying, rule disproved.
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Keyon: It's Not That Bad
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Anonymous18: Boring. Not offensive. Generic Animu kawaii shit. So...what exactly made you think this is feature worthy?
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Anonymous19: Something awesome for once!
@Everyone who hates it, you should of saw what they had featured before, this good compared to others.
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Anonymous20: "Why is this featured........ now?"
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JCD: @Anonymous: Some people in the media have been raising a fuss about a lot of the female character designs, saying they're "misogynistic" and "reinforcing the patriarchy." Anything to get to write an article, I suppose.
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ZombieFX: i dont get it
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Anonymous21: Should've been something from Tales of Xillia :(
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Anonymous22: Anon23 knows whats up.
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O_Rly: You guys running out of ideas or something?
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Anonymous23: What's so special about this shitty image?
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Anonymous24: Wtf :/
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Anonymous25(9): @Anonymous: Almost no one said that they didn't liked it, we are just surprised and confused that this got featured, since other featured pics were more extreme or unique, while this is pretty generic for hentai. This may or may not be good, but nothing special.
Features has become something not to look forward to jerk off too, but to be grossed out by what people draw crazy shit nowadays.
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: There are some girls who usually check out gay My Little Pony porn. Stallion-on-stallion MLP porn to be specific.
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Anonymous27: I am lesbian, so I prefer the hot girls rather then horse cocks
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minos: Exelent.
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Anonymous28: For all the people asking why this is featured, it's because Dragon's Crown finally got released in North America.
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Anonymous29: "People aren't fapping.......... now?"
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Getter_the_Great: @O Rly: Pretty much, I spent a while going through the Dragon's Crown pics and they were all so boring and vanilla, this was the most interesting thing in the lot. Hopefully the US release makes the uploader crowd here go looking for the more bizarre and offensive stuff out there.
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Anonymous30: Her hand will probably smell like shit
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blackcatz: @Osprey: GENTELMEN BEHOLD CORN
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Lapp: @blackcatz: Dr. Weird is the best.
If anyone out there doesn't know the reference, you're missing out so hard.
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Falkreath_Guard: @Lapp: I remember that episode lol
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: I am a straight male, so I prefer the hot girls rather then horse cocks also.
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Anonymous32: Cave exploring
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M00160: I lke ho her vag is draw,
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Anonymous33: Nice.
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moximoore: I do no wanna see the after effect of this pic...o_______o
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Anonymous34: >impossible angle
Seriously? If you can't do this you're probably just too fat.
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Anonymous35: This is incredible. Youre all trippin lol
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Anonymous36: stupid feature, compared to the last few
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Anonymous37: Sad day when a man so obsessed over a video game features a picture of one of the characters simply because it's stateside now.
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NeuroticNostalgia: We finally get some fappable on top of the mounds of controversial and repulsive features they throw at us....and people complain. the community of this website is becoming as unpleasable as the sonic fanbase.
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Anonymous38: I'm a girl, and enjoy the cock.

Also, well-drawn O-faces. Mmmmm. Yes, please.
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H_bomb: @Anonymous: Well you're a little freak.
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starburner: Lol
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PornLantern: Nothing up her sleeve
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Triple_Rainbow: I don't see why this is featured. It's nothing overly abnormal.
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Anonymous39: I am shocked and offended at just how generic this is. Someone should be fired over this one.
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champofgalacticretards: I was dumped by one of female users. :(
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Lapp: @Cculber007: Do what I do when looking for a woman: wait outside of a women's prison, and flirt with freshly released ex-cons.
It's an obvious lie, because no one that has ever been in prison is still attracted to the opposite sex afterwards.
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champofgalacticretards: @Lapp: Good luck cuz they are bisexual tough women made the men look like little girls.
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Lapp: @Cculber007: Nah, that sorta person isn't my type. Not that there's anything wrong with tough women.
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Anonymous40: umm wtf
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champofgalacticretards: @Lapp: I am sorry but I doubt you.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous29: maybe you have to consider about becoming to be bisexual.
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Anonymous41: look at that cape... look at that square ass
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Anonymous42: why does her pussy look like its been fucked 20 times?
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Anonymous43: what is this shit? nothing funny about it. Just regular japanese porn
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Inquisitor_Talis: Since when did "" become a meme? cus is sucks major brony balls, really it shithouse its worse an nicolas cages son, pilot inspektor <--No Shit!
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Maskarade: Finally a feature that isn't featured because it's funny.
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Lapp: @Maskarade: ...the irony is that's the only reason for a featured image.
Who actually comes here to masturbate anymore?
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Anonymous44: oh mine gott
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Anonymous45(44): i came
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Anonymous46: people still fap here?
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sly-cooper: i guess this is good,but i'd say e621 is a better website
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hollywood_undead: dude,i am not sure that thats on e621
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Anonymous47: Möbius Fisting?
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Anonymous48: Boner.
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McSmoove: Prove it.
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Draxules: @sly-cooper d621 is for furry shit. For rule34, gelbooru or a bullshit site are superior
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finne32: meh
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Anonymous49: Boring.
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Suzuka: @Draxules: I think he's talking about the design of the image board.
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Strein: Oh, yeah! A cute elf girl fisting her butt. I, for one, think it's hawt!
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shinybrightbulb: We use to have insane shit as the feature. What happened?
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DadadadaWangman: @Anonymous: Ha!!! Nice try "lady!" This is the interweb, there are no ladies! Only fat, pimpled teens, or in my case, 20 year olds!;-)
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bdoth: @Getter the Great:

Play what?
Is this a video game?
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Anonymous50: Getter the Great: I can't imagine a bigger fucking loser cunt on this site than you
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Anonymous51(39): You don't have to imagine him... Ffagtron0069 (unfortunately) exists.
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l0rd0ct0d0rk: Great feature. I laughed
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Gallows187: are their any High School USA shots up? I can't seem to find the right words to search for.
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Anonymous52: I am highly aroused by fisting and sloppy wet kissing
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Anonymous53: Too many dicks here
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Anonymous54(53): Too many dick here
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Anonymous55: Faggots
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Anonymous56: Fuck you all
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Anonymous57: Suck my fucking dick
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Anonymous58: Now this is the story all about how my life got twisted upside down and like to take a minute just sit right there I'm gonna fuck you in the butt and pull out your hair
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Anonymous59: OMG ROFLMFAO!!!!!
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Anonymous60: @Anonymous: it isn't fresh enough.
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Anonymous61: Not sure why exactly this picture got featured, since there are 475 pictures related to the game. Many of them funnier or sexier than this one.
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Anonymous62: Dat sexy beast be puttin' tha hand up her anus like making a sandwich.
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Deathcock: Why is this boring ass feature still here?

I have three words for you: Buffalo Bill Cosby
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Senfyero: Oh, Osprey. You so funny.
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Anonymous63: DAT ANUS!! thats why it's here....
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Anonymous64: You are some dull, retarded nerds thinking this picture is worth featuring
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Anonymous65(64): Some generic shit hentai of some shit subject no one gives two fucks about: FEATURE IT NAOW!
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Anonymous66(46): ^ pretty much. weeaboos have been obsessed with this game for years, and it still hasn't come out. who gives a shit? also, deathcock is still a colossal faggot who should fuck off already. nobody gives a shit what you think or what you want.
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IAintDed69: Shoving all god's creations in my juicy penis hole. You exactly 124 hours to live
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Anonymous67: Really bad anatomy.
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Anonymous68: Over a week with this feature??? Give us something new to bitch about!
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Gallows187: are their any High School USA shots up? I can't seem to find the right words to search for.
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Anonymous70: What the fucking hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous71(62): Rule 34 sucks
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PERVERTALITY: oh , i'll would like 2 punish dat streched asshole of her with my sweet little hard cock.
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Pootispencerhere: @Deathcock: Because they're finding something else.
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Lester_The_Molester: I thought that featured images were supposed to be those that were funny, insane, witty or displayed a gifted artist.
Why is this random animé girl with a fist in her ass, that isn't that uncommon from regular hentai and certainly isn't very funny, witty or even insane and certainly not a display of a gifted artist, featured at all?
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Dick_Chappy: @Lester_The_Molester: The game was released stateside.
Although suddenly it wouldn't matter because I sail the 7 seas of the internet, plundering the bounties from it.
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Anonymous74: @Gallows187: I guess you'll just have to skip college and go straight to being a doctor
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Anonymous75: @Osprey: "...Uh, yeah just the one hoagie."
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docentwars: Anal Fisting

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