Anonymous1: It seems that Luna guillotine series has provoked everybody with a tablet to try their own hand at My Little Pony abuse pictures. It's getting a bit stale now though.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Jesus Hexametrous Christ, is badly written. When a writer DOES NOT KNOW it's hoof not hoove, you know it will not get better farther in. Breath is a noun, breathe the verb -- and guess what... Hope he fucks better than he writes.
Anonymous6: Mac humiliated her in front of everyone. There was a crack of thunder and Mac flew backwards a few feet and landed on his back. A white figure with light that seemed to shine from behind him, walked over and put his nose agensed the lock. It melted away and he pushed the top piece off. Trixie groaned, and backed off the device. "Uh, thanks..." she turned to see his face "S-S-Silver Star!" the figure backed away and said "Your never alone." in a flash of light he was gone. Trixie took this time to get away from ponyvill while everypony was still stuned.
it's in image-format
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