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Anonymous1: You see, this is what happens when you invite zebra's over, you get orgys.
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Anonymous2: my little pony; orgies are magic
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Chef_Retardee: Damn ziggers.
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Anonymous3: nice
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Anonymous4: How to r e g i s t e r here? The link that was once here is gone..., also Brownies ftw
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LordOfTheWrongs: Quick, find Pinkie some poison joke!
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Masako: waaaaaaaaait a sec? where Rarity :O she missed all the fun ^^
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method: taking the photo?
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Anonymous5: some one forgot to tell dash she is a lesbian. she sure is enjoying that dick lol
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Anonymous6: This is bullshit. Where the fuck is Rarity?
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Anonymous7: Silly artist, the orgy scene in Friendship is Sexy took place in the library, not on a bridge!

Also, I agree with anon4- damn site won't let me register.
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MikeOShay: Alright, here's how it is: Big Mac accidentally walked into some poison joke and it infected his dick, the splotches are from that, not some "normal horse anatomy" bullshit. The jokeified dick spread crazy pheromones that made everyone extremely horny.

Except for Rarity, she was getting laid elsewhere anyway because she's a giant slut-whore.
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Anonymous8: how do I sign up on this site to post pics ?
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Anonymous9: I'm forced to agree with Mike.
Also, My Little Caligula: Orgies are Magic.
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appealus: @Anon8 = Check the upper right hand corner of the page or just read the site FAQ.
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Anonymous10: Even though im not into this kinda stuff, I have to say thanks for not puting applejack and mac together. At least someone is smart enough to know they are brother and sister.

Sorry but uh, its normal horse/pony anatomy. If it was poison joke it would have decresed his preformance and sise and made him less atractive. Poison joke doesent do good stuff it does bad stuff. Your logics flawed bro.
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Anonymous11: eyup
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Anonymous12: @Anon 10

That is EXACTLY why they put them together. Some people find it hot.
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Anonymous13(10): Really anon12? I didnt know that was the reason they were together. Do you think im fucking stupid?!? Of course I know why people put applejack and mac together! I was saying whoever made this is better then most of you fucks becuse he/she isnt into insest goddamnit!
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MikeOShay: A10, I know it's horse anatomy, but Zecora's present and the colours are strange. Also, the apple family are meant to be southern farmers; incest is pretty much a given.
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Anonymous14(12): @Anon 13
The words "smart enough" either meant you didn't know or you were intolerant.
Not knowing is better than being intolerant. If you want to say that some people are "lesser people" because of their fetish's then do it somewhere else. NOT on a Rule 34 site.
It's fine if you say something ruins a pic for you.
It's wrong is you call people "lesser" for their personal fetish's.
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Anonymous15: My Little Porny: Frendship is Orgies

Also, I lol'd off Spike
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masterofpirates: Omg man, don't be intolerant. That's not cool. Paheal is a place of tolerance and love, where everyone is smiling under a rainbow sun of candy.
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Anonymous16: Sorry if I offended anyone (anon14) by saying "...whoever made this pic is better then most of you fucks..." I was pissed off about something so I wasnt thinking about what I said. Sorry.
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Anonymous17: Why is the road made of hard-wood flooring? Is that supposed to be some lame pun?
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Anonymous18: A Pony Orgy without Rarity?! WHAT FAGGOTRY IS THIS?!
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Krawczyk: FYI the Mac/Dash thing is part of a separate meme so its ok to get offended over that too :v
Also, is that THOR sticking out of Applejack?
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Anonymous19: WTF is this shit. I searched for MLP rule 34, I didn't expect sex
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Anonymous20(19): Anon 19

You are my hero
I love you
Wish you the best
Fuck you!!!
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Anonymous21: @anon19
Your a fucking morron. You came to Rule34 not expecting sex/porn? You are oficialy the most stupid person on R34.
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Anonymous22: dashes face.... my screen just took 8 loads.
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innerchildcries: Macintosh is like: Just another day in ponyville. Sigh, the things I have to put up with.
Meanwhile Rarity is like: Hello, how's every...pony...doing?...*0.o, stares at orgy and slowly backs away*
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Anonymous23: I wish Zecora had a sister that was in this.
You. . . <(''<) You. . . (>'')>
Double Ziggers! ! ! <(^.^)>
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commanche105996: Oh, Applejack and her double-sided dildos. Is that some sort of in-joke on the site?
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Anonymous24: The Diamond Dogs probably got Rarity on her way to the orgy.
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Anonymous25: I must say it cracks me up that the only filly on the receiving end of a penis is the one that's most commonly portrayed as a lesbian.
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Anonymous26: Gah! They're ALL blushing!
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Fara_Phoenix: A24, right.

Wait...Rainbow Dash is NOT...paired...with...a...mare...
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Anonymous27: Rarity is much too fancy to participate.
So she's masturbating FANCILY off-camera.
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Solunar: Anon23 here: Rarity is snooPING AS usual I see...
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Anonymous28: Why don't we do it in the road?
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Anonymous29: poor pinkie pie is the only one not getting serviced
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Anonymous30: My Little Orgy
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Anonymous31: Holy Hell.
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Anonymous32: @Anonymous: Pinkie Pie wants YOU to smile, she gets horny when you're horny like she's happy when you're happy!
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Anonymous33: @Masako: she is with spike!

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