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wiiaboo: Finally this was uploaded, i was gonna, but tagging it is too much work
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Anonymous1: win!!
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Anonymous2: FUCK YEAH
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Anonymous3(2): tifa should have gotten a better spot.
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Anonymous4: I wonder whos going to pay for the damage cloud's sword did to the floor, cause ya know hes cheap.
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Anonymous5: Aeris/Aerith should've gotten someone better. Seriously.
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Anonymous6: awesome
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Anonymous7: Nice pic but completely unrealistic... Sephiroth should have way more chicks!
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Slashfiend: If this were realistic, Sephiroth would be crying and masturbating in front of his Mom's tank.
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Anonymous8: Epic Porkyman/Digimon crossover.


I see Izzy or whatever is doing well with WHAT WHAT WHAT?!


Epic Porkyman and Digimon and Final Fantasy crossover.
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Anonymous9: ZOMG Brock is actually getting some.
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Anonymous10: epic ff7/digimon/kh/Porkyman crossover (plus megaman legends if you count the picture of roll on the wall)
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Anonymous11: I don't get why I have the sudden urge to join, kick everyone out of the way and get it on with Sephiroth.
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Suihtil_Cod: Incidently, I can't identify the person in the small picture frame...
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Furvert: I fully endorse what/who Cloud is doing!
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Skwisgaar: I think it's funny they gave Sephiroth the biggest cock.
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pomponio: @Anon9: Where's Izzy?
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Anonymous12: Cant find waldo anywhere :|
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Puppet_Master: Final Fantasy 7/Porkyman/Kingdom Hearts/Digimon crossover.


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Anonymous14: that is some pretty inconsiderate orgy planning, theres two girls for almost every guy, and three of em had to resort to lesbianing.

were the BeyBlade guys busy or something?
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Anonymous15: Nice pic but completely unrealistic... Sephiroth is gay!
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shadowsoflife: nice one
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Anonymous16: Finally Sora from kingdom Hearts and Sora from Digimon in the same picture!
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CaKtus: Hah Anon17. been waiting for that too.
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Anonymous17: i had this as a tiny thumbnail version DX awesome! the full version rox XD
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Rindalia: All the sex aside, I really like the way Cloud is drawn there...... I know I think of weird things when I should just be looking at the porn....
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Anonymous18: very impractical phone design...
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Anonymous19: It's official. My childhood dreams are dead.
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The_Guy_You_Wish_You_Were: If this is your childhood, you're too young to be fapping.
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Anonymous20(19): When everything is over and they leave, Megaman is going to get home and wonder what the hell happened to his bed and why the fuck there's a hole in the floor.
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Anonymous21: Finally, some Monster Rancher 34. Just needs more Suezo.
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Anonymous22: wow, anime hentai that isn't filled with yaoi, where can i find more epic win like this?
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Anonymous23: unfortunatly when the faping stops the real question has to be asked, how the hell did this orgy start?
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Anonymous24: i think this is dr. light's room.

anyways i give this win+2
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Anonymous25: There's too many boobies in this pic...
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Anonymous26: in a gys to girls ratio it 1:1.7 fyi
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Leleouch: Ash: "I'm an ASS MAN!"
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Anonymous27: In the words of Frank from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Ooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggyyyyyy
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Biggus__Dickus: @Anon17 and CaKtus: Now we need one of them having sex. Sora fucking Sora.
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Gorillaz: ^lol. truh.
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Rockwarrior: Okay to anon 9 and anon 11

Porkyman/Digimon/Kingdom Hearts/Final Fnatasy and MONSTER RANCHER crossover. How the fuck can you all mis Pixie?

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Anonymous28: LoL Toon-Gang Bang xD
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BonesCool: Who's the girl thas Takato fuck???
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Anonymous30: When I were there I would fuck May's vagina.
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Anonymous31: hahahahahaahh is funny
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Doggmatix: Their phone looks like a long dildo. Can you see it? Its above Yuffie... creeps me out...
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Anonymous32: that phone is a dick.
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Anonymous33: And of corse Cloud cant go anywhere without his sword
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Anonymous34: This is epic.
And why the fuck did Cloud just stick his sword in the floor?!
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Anonymous35: Thats just weird
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themuphinman: So why exactly does Misty not have a vagina?
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Anonymous36: who is on top of brock?
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negibozu203: This is the ultimate orgy!
(Of heterosexuality)
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Anonymous37: Hye where's candlejack I don
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Anonymous38: @themuphinman: Her hand is in it. >_>;
#anon42: That's Sora from Digimon 01.
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Anonymous39: Izzy isn't in this pic and to the one who asked who Takato is fucking, that's Aeris (or Aerith, if you prefer)
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Anonymous40: Anon 25, the answer to your question is obvious. Rule 34.
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Anonymous41: Why are Ash and Tai sharing May why doesn't one of them just go to an other girl
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Anonymous42: JAMES FTW LOL!
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Anonymous43(42): I would totally be Sephiroth right now
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Anonymous44: You can't have your orgy if you don't eat your meat. How can you have any orgy if you don't eat you meat?!
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Anonymous45: I wish my face was buried in Jessie's ass.
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Thornbrier: There should be a Moogle in this.
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Anonymous46: Kairi,Sailor Moon and Tifa in a 3 way.
My dreams have come true.
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Anonymous47: anon 46, thats not sailor moon, thats cassidy from Porkyman
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Anonymous48: Anon 12 wins.
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Anonymous49: wow one orgy
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Anonymous50: That girl Matt's about to do... Is that Holly from Monster Rancher?
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Anonymous51: I'd totally get into a 4some with Kairi, Cassidy, and Tifa right there. Then again I'd fuck Jessie from behind.
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Anonymous52: sora and sora, riku and rika, kairi and kari.
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Anonymous53: hilarity, wins, and otherthings aside. This drawing has Amazing Detail! From considering every detail in the room, the pairings, and the actual detail and skill towards each character and the detail in them. Love Aeris Hair, Sephiroth cloak, and Cloud overall. Weird, its all FF characters, oh well
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Anonymous54: childhood raped. lulz
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Anonymous55: Nice to see James branching out a little.
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Anonymous56: NONO Q BUENISISMO lo malo esq mejor misty con ASHyea jejej buenos bye...
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Anonymous57: this picture is a fucking shittt!!!! just like the maker. if you dare to face me message me at my facebook @lauren lee-via leonata and give the title with "sex digimon, Porkyman pic". fuck the maker. the maker must be a cursed person and this is a cursed picture!!!
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JWN926: Better idea. Shut the fuck up and quit spamming unintelligible comments.

PS Fix your nose. Ugly skank.
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Anonymous58: And somehow all the women ended up pregnant with Sora's kids.

Funny how these things work out.
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Anonymous59: the only problem with this is how small tifa's tits are. Tifa is WAY bigger than Aeris
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masterofpirates: Oh how I would kill to take Brock's place.
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Anonymous60: (final fantasy victory theme)
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Anonymous61: Oh boy! It's the turn-of-the-century animu orgy fest, with all your favorite late 90's animus!
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Anonymous62: more digimon and Porkyman crossover
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Anonymous63: Slashfiend is gonna get raped and kiled by Sephiroth
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Anonymous64: Is it weird that I want to do it with Ash??????
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Anonymous65: only if your a dude
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Anonymous67: auwsome basterd:dambit brock u got games mixed up
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Anonymous68: May, Sora (digimon) and the Cloud's digimon girl are the best. Also, Yuffie, Kairi and Misty too.
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deathstriker: Why isnt monster rnacher tagged?
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Anonymous69: Why am I redirected here when I pick the Taichi_Yagami tag?
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Anonymous70: Lol rikku is fucking rika with joy :P
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Anonymous71: If I were Sora (KH) I would go fick Kairi.
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Anonymous72(71): Anon71 here ment fuck XD
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Anonymous73: And I think to myself...
What a wonderful world.
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Anonymous74: okay we have jesse and jame as well as cassidy so where the fuck is butch?
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Anonymous75: Wobbuffet!
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Anonymous76: Who is Brock fucking?
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Anonymous77: Sora from the first Digimon anime.
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Anonymous78: just ash fucking May earn a fap in there
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Anonymous79: Isn't takato gay?
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Anonymous80: does anyone know were to find good rika and kari digimon porn?
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Tetragrammaton: @Anonymous: Doujins Digitama 1 - 5, and that Kari Manga where the school teachers gang bang her and fuck her through those tight shorts of hers.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Boys and girls, I don't think this is what is meant by 'no glove, no love.'
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fishmonger: @Urbane_Guerrilla: No glove no love, if you don't believe me, take your dirty hands off my umthondo wisizwe!
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Anonymous81: @Tetragrammaton: what's the title where school teachers gangbang Kairi?
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Anonymous82: Perfect
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Anonymous83: You know what's hot? Most of these girls are underage. ;)
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Anonymous84: Sora (KH) should be with Tifa and Aeris should be with Riku.
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Nato1111: This is the biggest line-up of characters I've ever seen.
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Anonymous85: Hope Digimon and Monster Rancher were premiered on Fox Kids. And Now, Porkyman Was Premiered on Kids' WB!
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Anonymous86: @Metah: may totally gave ash a pleasure face
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Anonymous87: brock is getting her pregnant for sure lol
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Anonymous88: Fuck! Why aren't there any artworks of Ash fucking Sora?! She get's laid by Brock, but not Ash?!

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