Soemele: You know, I've always though of Luffy as a completely asexual character and his presence in pornographies continues to weird me out. Evidently I seem to be in the minority in this respect anyway.
Anonymous6: I'm not that much into One Piece, but I think Luffy is really hot (I have pretty strange taste though as I've been told) and this pic is just amazing.
An_Onymous: @Soemele: I'm definitely with you on aesthetic appreciation not needing a sexual drive. Also, while I'm not really familiar enough with the show to comment on your opinion of Luffy, I must confess I've often had a similar feeling about (most incarnations of) Link from the Legend of Zelda series. When presented with romantic attention of any kind or the possibility thereof, he is almost invariably either oblivious, indifferent, or slightly put off by it, and this seems to be true even when he's not a prepubescent child. (As yet I don't know all that much about the details of the story in Twilight Princess or Phantom Hourglass, so it's possible there's something to the contrary in those that I simply haven't heard about.) That said, it doesn't really "weird me out" to see porn of Link, if only because I'd expect plenty of porn to exist of the main character of a massively popular video game series and because I pretty much expect to see characters exhibit all kinds of possible sexualities and kinks in Rule 34.
Anonymous10: Soemele I agree. When you look at Luffy in the anime, he's not much a sexual type. He does care for his crew and friends, but not THAT much.
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Hell yea to puns...
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