TreeAnt: Agreed. I read the book with Chewie's death, total bullshit, main characters like that should never had their deaths written, it's just bullshit.
Anonymous4: If main characters should never die, than I guess Anakin Skywalker still lives, too? And Yoda? And all the other deaths through the first chronological books to the latest ones?
Nizzemancer: Anon4: they died in the movies, not in EU...
And if you've got to kill a main character I guess it's not to shabby (hurr hurr) being crushed by a moon at an age of 225 years...not a spoiler since I never said who died, haha...
Anonymous8: Jacen was an emo lord, no fucking sith lord. Never had any problems with the EU books myself. we need more porn of all three of these characters either way though... :)
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Spoilers for anyone who didn't read "invincible" SORRY!!
While Jacen died a weakling!!
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And if you've got to kill a main character I guess it's not to shabby (hurr hurr) being crushed by a moon at an age of 225 years...not a spoiler since I never said who died, haha...
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