reaganvore: Two quests completed for the price of one! Thanks to emikochan for her usual stunning work on this.
Also, this one was a bitch to tag. I've added both "Courier" and "the_courier" since they're both in use. If anyone cares to figure out which one is correct and re-tag, please be my guest.
MrAnon: Truthfully it's not porn, just naked art with violence.
And if I was there, I'd kill those bastards, and put that poor brainwashed dog out too!
But, some guro person somewhere is fapping.
BTW: Isn't guro a form of necrophillia?
waggy: I see both tits and pussy, therefore porn!
Theres plenty of shit on here that you could just call naked art or whatever because you dont like it, but its still porn
Necrophilia requires a corpse. Guro can just be torture/violence porn committed by or against a "living" character. Guro is also, you know, not real where as necrophilia can include an actual, physical act.
Anonymous4: Man, once Veronica gets her brain put into Rex's body and regains her conscientiousness, she is really going to have a bone to pick with the Courier. I'd use my new doggie jaws to bite his balls off if he did that to me.
Anonymous12: Indeed, SlippyTheToad. This is what the internet was made for. And it will be a great loss when the internet finally does lose its freedom to oppressive governments or Big-Brother internet service providers.
se7en: You know, If you guys all hate guro so much, you could NOT click on the clearly guro thumbnail instead of whinning like little girls.
Sir_Anon5 is excused.
Anonymous14: I love the comments on guro images. God damn did you kids just get the internet today?
"What the fuck man? Why is this here?! I only like consensual pornography in the missionary position!"
Some of us fap to it. It's porn to us. If it exists, there is porn of it. If you don't want to see guro then go to a site that doesn't allow it or only sparsely allows it, such as gelbooru.
Anonymous18: Christ, just because it crops up alot don't kid yourselves into thinking this is normal or acceptable. I've been on the internet for awhile too and I still have my standards, dammit.
Anonymous21: this pic reminds me of how I tried to sacrifice Arcade to complete this quest but for some reason I completed it and he was still alive even though I had locked him in the freezer. And I'd never do this to Veronica she kicked ass the only draw back to her was that I hardly ever used the perk she gave
Anonymous26: If you finish the quest this way, they're okay with it and go along with it. That's not exactly "anti-cannibalism". But yeah, the rest aren't a part of it until then.
Wish you could actually do this in game and get the brain. Would've made for a nice touch.
Anonymous27: What...? This is posible in the game? Arceus!! I take to Veronica and Rex...and go to ultra lux to kill tonevery fucking babastard canibal. I hate the canibalis or canibal or antrophofagoss i hate whit all my sould.
Anonymous28: I actually liked veronica as a companion, especially since I'm an actual lesbian, so I liked the connection.... if I was there, I'd have a Hunting Shotgun with a choke loaded with 4/0 Buck Magnum Handloads for each of them.
Anonymous33: I like how they gave you these little alternative solutions for people who never bothered with companions. Not my cup of tea, but fallout always was about choices
lol at all these snowflakes crying over some basic bitch tier guro
Anonymous34: Anonymous3(2) is part of the sex-gestapo, a degenerate scumbag trying to police what is acceptable for people to enjoy by banning anything that offends his/her moral pretenses. It enrages this supercilious miscreant that people have the freedom to create and enjoy harmless fantasy art that he/she wants censored!
Also, this one was a bitch to tag. I've added both "Courier" and "the_courier" since they're both in use. If anyone cares to figure out which one is correct and re-tag, please be my guest.
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And if I was there, I'd kill those bastards, and put that poor brainwashed dog out too!
But, some guro person somewhere is fapping.
BTW: Isn't guro a form of necrophillia?
Theres plenty of shit on here that you could just call naked art or whatever because you dont like it, but its still porn
Necrophilia requires a corpse. Guro can just be torture/violence porn committed by or against a "living" character. Guro is also, you know, not real where as necrophilia can include an actual, physical act.
Also, fucked up. I like it.
>see emikochan tagged
>click anyway
Now I feel sad.
Out of curiosity, does Mortimer really give you your sacrificed companion's brain, or is that just an added bit of creepiness?
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Therefore, this picture has, even if indirectly, aroused me. It is porn.
You don't want to know. :)
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Sir_Anon5 is excused.
"What the fuck man? Why is this here?! I only like consensual pornography in the missionary position!"
Some of us fap to it. It's porn to us. If it exists, there is porn of it. If you don't want to see guro then go to a site that doesn't allow it or only sparsely allows it, such as gelbooru.
@Anon13 I hadn't even played fallout when I made this - was tough! :P Commissions ftw xD
I wholeheartedly suggest New Vegas. And not just for the cannibalism!
"OH NO NO Doggie, afuera!"
So long as they sit at home fapping to drawn fore, they won't go out at night with a hacksaw.
No one touches my Ronica =(!
>implying that anyone is better than Arcade Gannon
Wish you could actually do this in game and get the brain. Would've made for a nice touch.
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lol at all these snowflakes crying over some basic bitch tier guro