'And thus Anonymous shitposter returns thy slumber of once he has cameth in a pile of gay mucus'.
So repetitive of you. Really original stuff. You could do better. Just like in 1999, during the incel murder case involving jealousy and intrigue. You want something to say about that, you punk? I got ya fingers on print. It's going down soon. Pumping up for another 9/11.
lazarus: I'm 40, of course, I'm going to go bald soon or later, thank you, I really appreciate your honestly, but it doesn't suck and it's sign of your immaturity and ignorance.
Again, if you want to do your opinion, do it right, you both suck, but that's okay. I'm posting content on the site, not slop.
Anonymous3: @lazarus: Your delusions are vast and irrational. The internal self-hatred that you're projecting onto others is really none of our concerns. You will die cold and alone if you continue down the path you're already heading down. It's not too late to chance that fate, you merely need to rise and correct yourself.
lazarus: @Anonymous: What hatred? You seem you to be one bagging on me, or any other anons, for the most part, trying to bash me on my uploads, grow some balls. lol. I suppose your post seems dramatic. Any other porn site comment basically just posts about the actual porn.
@Anonymous: Okay, buddy, you stay delusional yourself and reflect on your own path of mind.
You're unirrational on your hatred on AI that it must tiring of you fighting a losing battle.
Porn site. Fakes. same thing. fap. Must trying to find logic and reason and go on all the moral guidelines of what you think is supposed to real or fake. Who cares. DERP HERP. PORN SITE IS FOR FAPPING TO PICS.
Anonymous5: pretty cool. Took me a while to realize what was going on and once you know it, the flaws become apparent, but for a proof of concept it's not bad.
'And thus Anonymous shitposter returns thy slumber of once he has cameth in a pile of gay mucus'.
So repetitive of you. Really original stuff. You could do better. Just like in 1999, during the incel murder case involving jealousy and intrigue. You want something to say about that, you punk? I got ya fingers on print. It's going down soon. Pumping up for another 9/11.
Also anon1 is right, and you malding doesn't change that.
Again, if you want to do your opinion, do it right, you both suck, but that's okay. I'm posting content on the site, not slop.
@Anonymous: Okay, buddy, you stay delusional yourself and reflect on your own path of mind.
You're unirrational on your hatred on AI that it must tiring of you fighting a losing battle.
Porn site. Fakes. same thing. fap. Must trying to find logic and reason and go on all the moral guidelines of what you think is supposed to real or fake. Who cares. DERP HERP. PORN SITE IS FOR FAPPING TO PICS.