Woozle: Poor Mirri was the chew toy of the writers for three sets. She lost every fight she was ever in, constantly had to be rescued by Gerrard, and finally jumped to her death just so he wouldn't have to rescue her again.
lordmalkin: Prime example of a Faux Action Girl. And it's such an utter waste.
One of the worst parts is how Gerrard barely thinks about her after her death (except briefly once in Mercadian Masques, if I recall), even when facing her killer, Crovax, during Planeshift/Apocalypse.
Woozle: It's amusing that I used a trope, then you did as well, considering I was the one to update "Disposable woman" on TV Tropes with a Mirri entry. And then someone updated that with "Faux action girl".
Aedandragon: @Swift_Nimblefoot: Different timelines. In the original one Crovax became cursed by striking the final blow to Selenia and went on to become Ascendant Evincar and kill Mirri. Mirri the Cursed is from Planar Chaos which was an alternate reality in which Mirri struck the last blow on Selenia and became cursed. And yes, there is a lot of story happening past what you see in the flavor text of the cards, that you can find and read here http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Category:Storylines. It's really quite interesting to read.
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One of the worst parts is how Gerrard barely thinks about her after her death (except briefly once in Mercadian Masques, if I recall), even when facing her killer, Crovax, during Planeshift/Apocalypse.
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besides, wasn't her name Mirri the Cursed?
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