Anonymous6: Anon 5? May i ask u a favor? Your answer doesnt matter anywho so dont reply. You say that the books sucked because u are quite obviously an illiterate son ( or daughter ) of a hillbilly. Btw, your mom is also your aunt if u get my drift.
That said, Eragon himself was a goddamn Gary Stu. (Disclaimer: I've only read the first two books, so maybe the writer let up on the I AM THE CHOSEN ONE AND ALSO THE BEST AND MOST HUMBLEST thing he had going on Eragon.)
Eragon is to teenage boys what Twilight is to teenage girls: a fantasy-world power-trip with a main character just bland enough and just overpowered enough to draw in and maintain the interest of a closet bookworm.
I'd love to see the concept of the book redone with Eragon as a vaguely believable character instead of someone playing Skyrim on easiest difficulty.
Anonymous13: @Anonymous9 Don't worry, the books do balance him out. (NOT GIVING A SPOILER) but only if you pay attention to the final battle you realize this. Also, Arya isn't ment to be that relatable SHE IS AN ELF. They are OP. End of story. Another thing, how big of nerds do we have to be to have an argument about story synapse over dragon porn? o.O
Anonymous14: I don't understand why Arya is the most criticised character in the book, if anything, it should be the dwarves. God, I would never come back if I saw Orik X Arya on here... And the books are awesome.
Anonymous16(14): @Anonymous It's similar but give to a regular fan of the two and they won't notice a fucking comparison, you've never actually researched this just guessed on some reviews; and that doesn't even affect the book. The book uses a Star Wars and LOTR plot however moulds it into its own unique philosophy, and is fucking brilliant considering the elven sexiness of Arya, so stfu you illiterate hilbilly
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That said, Eragon himself was a goddamn Gary Stu. (Disclaimer: I've only read the first two books, so maybe the writer let up on the I AM THE CHOSEN ONE AND ALSO THE BEST AND MOST HUMBLEST thing he had going on Eragon.)
Eragon is to teenage boys what Twilight is to teenage girls: a fantasy-world power-trip with a main character just bland enough and just overpowered enough to draw in and maintain the interest of a closet bookworm.
I'd love to see the concept of the book redone with Eragon as a vaguely believable character instead of someone playing Skyrim on easiest difficulty.
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