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Anonymous1: Ayo that is a child
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: This also count as bestiality, which makes this picture twice as hot <3
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Also takes place in an alternate Australia, making it xeno-philia probably.
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Anonymous4(1): @Anonymous: seek help
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: I did. I visited social- and mental health-workers, they gave me an ultimatum and told me to stop doing drugs and alcohol and pee in a cup once a month for three months or they'll suspend my drivers license. Long story short: I told them to pee on their fucking cup themselves and that I can still drive without a license, in fact I'm doing it no matter how under the influence of any substance I am out of spite. I blame them for every vile deed I happen to do, and I do them a lot!
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: 6 years in dog years is 18 years in human years, so she's perfectly legal UwU