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Gackt: When I first saw this I thought it was Pinkie Pie in psycho party mode.
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Anonymous1: Me too.
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Friend_Owl: so...this is when she got her cutie mark, nice
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Anonymous2: That's not Pinkie, that's Lauren Faust.
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Rule34Anon: ...Even know this is like making porn of Jesus if your a Christian.

I'm okay with this.
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Chef_Retardee: I applaud you, finally the creator gets some recognition.
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Anonymous3: giggly giggly
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Anonymous4: I have spent way too much time on the net knowing that is the cock of a horse.
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Anonymous5: MOAR for the love of god
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Anonymous6: Faust does actually keep a close eye on the community, and hates R34.

God help us if she finds out about this. We can kiss goodbye to her ever speaking to us. Plus, we'll lose Derpy again.
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Danielakiiki: exceptions.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: The upper lip is fucking weird, doesn't line up with the mouth.
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Anonymous7: Anonymous7 She hates R34? Too bad! She is a cool gal and pretty hot too...
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BranislavDJ: I have to admit...this crosses the line.
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Anonymous8: I'm ok with this!
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Danielakiiki: Crosses the line?????? I'm pretty sure I polevaulted over it.
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Anonymous9: Its hot when i try not to think about this being Faust.
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Rule34Anon: But I'm just saying, this is total blasphemy.
You should remove this.
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Danielakiiki: ^ No. Blasphemy, in one form or another, fuels this site. And that statement was just delivered by a fan of the show. Looooooooooved todays episode. Raging Fluttershy is the BEST Fluttershy!
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Anonymous10: Our collective asses are grass and Lauren Faust is the weedwacker if she finds this.
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Anonymous11(10): If she finds this then she's going to RELEASE THE MCCRACKEN on us.
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pronmuxic: it wrong for me to one a fullbody of her by this artist now?
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Anonymous13: It's not as if she's the first celebrity on here. Yes, the horsecock would probably escalate the reaction a little.

But honestly, I'd like to witness the reaction of ANY of the celebrities finding porn of themselves on the net. Especially the "wholesome" ones. Most especially the jeebus freaks.
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anomalous: Don't bite the hoof that feeds.
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Anonymous14: Oh horray, look what you have done. Now she left the show.
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Anonymous15: Anon15, no she didn't. She just took on a reduced role. She's still in charge of writing.

Also, moar
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Anonymous16: Nah, she's leaving.
You fucking furfags have gone and drawn the show's creative lead sucking a fucking horse cock.
I'd love to see her(and hasbro) sue.
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Anonymous17(15): You seem upset
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DtheB: Sue for what anon 17?
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WildestCard: Oh, please. Isn't Frankie based on her? Therefore, all Frankie pron = Lauren Faust pr0n?

I think she must be used to her persona and/or alter egos being 34'd. I wish someone 34'd be. I'd be so proud );
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Anonymous18: Maybe if enough of us agree that its hot she won't be angry.
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Anonymous19: why
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Anonymous20(15): Then and again, why not?

She's hot, after all. I'd totally do her. Would you in any way not do Lauren Faust?
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Anonymous21(13): Of course I would do her. Then I'd let my little pony do her. And my grown horse. And my Great Dane. And...
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Anonymous22: I think female artits feels unease by seeing porn of what represent themselves like how reluctant zone is from making porn of zone-tan any many other female artists but Lauren sure is hot and frankie is too!
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Anonymous23: I lol'ed for ten minutes after seeing this!
Then I started clopping.
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Anonymous24: It cracks me when someone regular to R34 goes "this crosses the line".
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Krawczyk: anon14: Judging by miss Prejean's sexual antics it would probably just give them ideas.
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Anonymous25: I second Anon 6
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Anonymous26: @Anon 7 - Actually she indicated that the ignores R34 and that people had to be grown up enough to not look at what they don't like rather than bitching about it.
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Anonymous27: What the fuck man?? Leave lauren out if your sick fuck minds,this really does cross the line! I hope she does sue!
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Anonymous28: Anons. What the fuck can she even sue for? It's a fucking drawing, not a photo from Craig's collection.

Seriously, name the law this is breaking!
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Anonymous29(26): @Anon 28 - What a dumb fuck. Do you honestly think that they would sue for something like this? All they'd be doing was giving it publicity IE making it worse as others did it too for spite. You're one of those dumb fucks that think copyright law works, aren't you.
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Anonymous30(27): anon 30 this still crosses the line, you sick fuck.
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Anonymous31: NO EXEPTIONS XD
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ElAnonimo: I haven't seen Galaxy Girls in here, what's the tag?
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Anonymous32: Lauren Faust is pretty hot in real life. I'm amazed she'd marry an ugly fat guy like Craig McCracken. It gives me hope, since I'm only slightly fatter and uglier than him.
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Nightweaver20xx: Oddly enough, the biggest troll is the one Lauren is doing on us. IRONY. NOW IN COLOR.
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Anonymous33: Achievment unlocked : Freaked out Faust
"Gotta admit, that kind of gives me the creeps. I'd rather not know about it." Lauren Faust
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Anonymous34: I can understand making porn of ponies (barely).

But WHY would you make porn of the ponies' creator???
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Kyrien: @Anon 35 Read up on the definition of Rule fucking 34. NO FUCKING EXCEPTIONS. Fap (or clop) or GTFO.
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Anonymous35: The only thing here that surprises me is that nobody's made a better picture of Lauren Faust blowing a horse. This doesn't even look like her.

Get to work, people!
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Anonymous36: Noooooooooo!!!!!
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moximoore: I'm sorry, do you some of guys like, know Faust personally or something?

Honestly, the way some of the comments were going, you'd think they regularly have lunch with her during the weekends.
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Anonymous37: Proof the fanbase should die in a fire
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Anonymous38: >implying this was made by the fans
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LesPoll59: Actually I met her on several occasions. She is a nice person, and she is looker too. Craig McCracken is a lucky man.
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Anonymous39: @Anonymous: your an idiot

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