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Anonymous1: People with mental problems should not have access to internet
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Anonymous2: I unironically despise progressives so much. They ruin and sexualize every single thing ranging from animals to literal shit and kids. They "preach" about equality despite comitting these deranged acts. Such an oxymoronic thing to do, preaching about acceptance but then losing their shit because their crimes (engaging sexually with kids, sexual assault, zoo-philia, creepiness etc.) are being called out. Fucking degenerates. They point out that you're the devil if you decide to speak against their wrongdoings. I hope they alll get rounded up together and get time-travelled back to 1940s German concentration camps and get gassed. I hope Trump bans all of their wishes once he becomes the president. I hope that once they die, God smites them into a scorching lake for eternity. I hope everyone eventually forgets them and keeps living the perfect life (which was prevalent back then in the 1900s-1800s). If you are reading this and your a progressive. I don't care if you're crying a fountain of tears right now, because facts dont care about your feelings and goodbye deranged filth, and enjoy your degeneracy while it still persists, because God never forgets.
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Anonymous3: summed up trump's campaign very accurately. he's pandering to negros who won't even vote for him and won't leave the democratic plantation.
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Anonymous4(3): he's fucking jews next.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: MAGA cucks are too stupid to realize Trump is controlled opposition owned by the Jews.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: my attractive and successful African youre on r34 youre a degenerate too
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: fag
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: I've found that those fetishes aren't practiced by a particular political party, I've been everywhere on the internet, and if anything, right-wingers are more into those things due to their general lack of compassion. The more right-wing, the more degenerate. Liking kids, animals, scat/gore, anyone can. No particular political standpoint. You see things that aren't child abuse/manipulation as child abuse, and it's fine when y'all practice forcing your kids to be straight and all. I find you're a complete hypocrite, and, I mean, as seen in your little comment, you're a completely immoral, apathetic, very childish manchild. Hope you grow up one day. Typical Trumpie really.
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Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: OH ALSO imagine bitching and moaning about fetishes on Rule34 and ranting. Like, y'all call liberals snowflakes? Y'ALL BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING IT'S FUCKING INSANE.
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Anonymous10(8): @Anonymous: and god isn't real kys