Anonymous1: These are so bad dude. If you're going to keep posting them then you need to work on them more. The line work in particular is absolute trash right now. I can't even look at this garbage. Refine it, get it looking better than a childs drawing and then come back and post it.
Anonymous2: he's just editing screenshots and uncredited work of other actual artists and using an incredibly awful AI filter over it for some reason. I wish there was a way to report posts, if not for the absolute shit quality, then for the art theft and tag spam.
dogfaceboy: I used to post here many many years ago under a different name, I just came back a few months ago, but I can see we still have those who enjoy bad-mouthing one post and are not willing to give helpful advice post, posting should be fun not a battleground if you don't like a post then move on down the road, I enjoy finding older posts and tweaking them, sometime they work other times they don't, in closing no cartoon characters were hurt in my posting
Anonymous7(2): one post? you literally just flooded several tags with nearly a hundred posts of nothing but screenshots taken from the show with a confusing filter slapped over it that makes it look terrible!
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