Anonymous9(6): Who Do you think you are Anonymous5 Don't mess up somebody's. And also nobody even fuck Like you Go Fuck Somebody's else Life in south park Characters don't like You talking about Wendy. I will put tape on your mouth and Suffocate you And I will murder you Don't ever disrespect the character from south park I will hang you And choke you until you die And now Shut the fuck up you rat
ImNotAMiracleWorker: @Anonymous: Bruh, tell us you dont watch southpark without telling us you dont watch southpark. Are you really telling someone to off themselves for saying a quote you were too dense to recognize? "Stupid spoiled whore" is a quote from the damn episode this was based on....
Anonymous11(6): Wendy Testaburger is a major-supporting character and the most prominent female character on South Park. She is the most prominent of the female classmates of Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny, as well as Stan's on-and-off girlfriend. Wendy is a female fourth-grade student at South Park Elementary. She made her first appearance and speaking role in the Season One episode "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". Wendy has been voiced by four people during the series' run: Mary Kay Bergman, Mona Marshall, Eliza J. Schneider and currently April Stewart. and my dad Can Kill alL of you Because your guts is stupid as hell you don't even know stuff. In plus I'm a challenger as you guys I can roast you guys with 1 pair of second and you won't even get to say anything about it dumbass And also I will knock you out with a baseball bat next time. If you say Shut up Bish case. Allof you guys I know I will forget stuff. But just remember I'm not that stupid. Sophie cause I mean again I will knock you out fucking Baseball bat. Joe Biden Fire your ass If it was your Favorite character on Insult them Then guess what I would do :) I will kill you I like that 1 episode when fatboy Say killYourself lol. I'm not the 1 to play with buddy :)
Anonymous13(6): Im nyynnyjgbfbrrvevw,scdvfnymhjkkhjungbrbrfbynmhrzmhzmyzmyzrmuu!zrkurz!urz!uzrmurxngeehr,jfmhceeffjhccefhjrfev,mhvf,ewmhvf,ewjhcfewfjhe,effnbh,vefhenubnhubff,eenhfefcefnhhifceefinhhfcefnjhicfremhuifecrmuhi,ffrimhugrcemihumjhif,rfhjnih,grrnhjg did muhgifrnuhifrcegrceuhingt muhgifrnuhifrcegrceuhin nuhcegireniuytg rwniuugf reniuugt eeiuunrcgreniuytg renjihgt renjihfg juju so dumb
Questionable: @Anonymous: Stop. First of all, Anon 5 didnt call her a slut, dude. "Stupid spoiled whore" is the episode where I based this from. What anon 5 said was literally the quote from this episode.
Second, this "mess" happened because you were illiterate to comprehend everybody's comment.
Anonymous28: Whore Wendy is the best, this is great work.
I loved the Paris Hilton episode and always wished someone made something from it the "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset! Show the whole world what a slut you are!" Ad was iconic.
I wish there was more from this episode as all of the girls become stupid spoiled whores :)
Anonymous29(28): @Questionable: This is Tremendous, my fav from your epic catalogue so far. Can you please do one of all of the girls in stupid spoiled gang bang whore mode?
- Reply
Second, this "mess" happened because you were illiterate to comprehend everybody's comment.
Jesus Christ monkey balls.
I loved the Paris Hilton episode and always wished someone made something from it the "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset! Show the whole world what a slut you are!" Ad was iconic.
I wish there was more from this episode as all of the girls become stupid spoiled whores :)