Killamajig: Sometimes they can do that; I believe it's summarized by the phrase "Fucking ponies, how do they work?". One of them holds a tennis racket in Call of the Cutie. Rarity wraps a scarf around her neck just off camera in Dragonshy in such a way as to have required hands. They build houses, bake, and manufacture goods as complex as Twilight's electronic gizmo in the basement in Feeling Pinkie Keen. Mostly they drink with straws, but again in Call of the Cutie they're holding punch glasses.
It's a cartoon, man. About ponies. Just...go with it.
Anonymous11: To be fair, a number of them have magic telekinesis. Although that explains nothing in this picture, unless Rarity is just offscreen helping out.
Anonymous14: I dont get it really. The characters of MLP are cute of course. But they are not sexy at all, just like the Happy Tree Friends. Yet people make 34 of both MLP and HTF.
It's a cartoon, man. About ponies. Just...go with it.
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normally i would assume that was the same guy, but its a question i asked myself.
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ever heard of pedophilia? lol
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