lazarus: @Anonymous: I'm not fucking stupider, I read your sentence, gay as fuck. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I'm not a primate lover that you can't admit to being, so trust me, grammar works. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
It's also Jaiden, not Jaidan, whether that was just shitposting on your end, lol. Thank you, retard.
Anonymous2: @lazarus: XDDDDDDDD all that time you had to come up with an insult and it was just parroting my own XDDDDDD I called you a sperg while naming multiple pointers and your best "comeback" was "you must have autism or something?" XDDDDDDDDDDDD i hope you know that echolalia is another classic symptom of autism, little chris chan XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and you actually suffered enough pussyhurt that you flagged or deleted all of my replies XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD fucking pathetic autistic loser
Anonymous3(2): @lazarus: also doing this wont get jaidan "im totawwy asexuwal" trannymations to suck your tiny raisin dick, little hand flapper XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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It's also Jaiden, not Jaidan, whether that was just shitposting on your end, lol. Thank you, retard.
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Lol, TL;DR, alright see you next time on deleted comments.