Anonymous1: "J-Just because I had wild hot, sweaty lesbian sex with you doesn't mean I like you or anything"
But damn if Fang isn't smooth, she'll probably go another round once she hangs up.
Anonymous3: Sure, Fang is hot. As long as she doesn't speak. That god-awful, ridiculous Australian accent made me want to claw my ears off.
Also, the rest of the game sucked ass.
Baderp: You don't play games like Final Fantasy for the gameplay. I thought even the thickest headed retard figured that out by 11. You play them for the story.
I dunno about great, but I enjoyed it. Name a FF game that wasn't linear; they just failed at making it SEEM less linear (straight narrow corridors). Heck, COD is more linear than FF
Anonymous19: @Astute_Anon: Anything huh?
@Anon16: The only thing hot about lesbians is that its two chicks and then they kiss. Girls kissing Girls is pretty hot but that's it.
But damn if Fang isn't smooth, she'll probably go another round once she hangs up.
- Reply
Also, the rest of the game sucked ass.
Can't wait to see the pics that come about from the new lighting. Seeing that FFXIII-2 is coming out later this year...
Would you have sex with a blind chimp that has aids?
...Which works for me, seeing as I find Fang to be an insufferable bitch.
I dunno about great, but I enjoyed it. Name a FF game that wasn't linear; they just failed at making it SEEM less linear (straight narrow corridors). Heck, COD is more linear than FF
If you would depict in graphic watercolor (?) format how these two got to this here scene, we'd be eternally grateful, please and thank you.
@Anon7: Unlike you (and probably most guys), I don't find anything appealing (or hot) about lesbians. :P
@Anon16: The only thing hot about lesbians is that its two chicks and then they kiss. Girls kissing Girls is pretty hot but that's it.