NobleR2096: @Anonymous: And he's got prime pickings when it comes to that: Rose Byrne (Moira MacTaggart), Olivia Munn (Psylocke), Sophie Turner (Jean Grey), Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique)
Anonymous3(1): @NobleR2096: Get a helmet like Mags or Jugs has. Also Apocalypse probably don’t mind. He came after Xavier all the same. Even with Cerebro, he came after him.
Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: Yeah, I guess January Jones wasn’t exactly the best casting choice for her. I might go for Blink if she wasn’t so far off in the future.
NobleR2096: @Anonymous: Blink's a great choice, too. DOFP was how I first found out about her character, and I thought how they portrayed her powers was coop as fuck
Anonymous6(1): @NobleR2096: I wish they had made her look like she does in the comics a bit more though. I mean with people like Mystique running around, a girl with pinkish skin doesn’t even seem like much of a big deal.
Anonymous7(1): @NobleR2096: She does well with what she’s given. Some don’t even get to do much at all. I remember there being at least a few versions of Jubilee and I don’t think she was ever allowed to do anything in terms of abilities.
Anonymous8(1): @NobleR2096: Which is crazy to think about because people will show off their powers any opportunity they get. Like some boy playing basketball or a guy sitting down for a meeting. She feels like one of the only mutants that actually want to hide their abilities which coincidentally is on brand with what the series has been known for for quite some time.
NobleR2096: @Anonymous: Yeah, it's incredibly stupid. The first version was even only in a deleted scene from X3, the second one actually did show up for a while in Apocalypse, with the wonderful Lana Condor playing her
Anonymous9(1): @NobleR2096: I coulda sworn there was an extra in the first X-Men sitting in class with a raincoat or something. But I guess it has been a while since I’ve seen it. They even had a completely different actor playing Kitty Pryde. Well whatever, the FoX-Men movies weren’t really known for their consistency or continuity. In a way it’s not such a bad thing since each movie is its own contained thing and people don’t need to go back and do a ton of research to understand what’s going on currently. I definitely still prefer comics versions of most characters and things. With some exceptions like how Toad is actually kinda slick and not the butt of jokes or how Zoe Kravitz made Angel Salvadore kinda hot.
NobleR2096: @Anonymous: Huh, I don't remember there being an extra wearing one. And yep, that's also true (consistency and continuity).
Zoë Kravitz is hot no matter what role you put her in.
Anonymous11(1): @NobleR2096: Whether she was or not Jubilee didn’t really matter. She was barely a character. Kitty thanking Xavier and walking through the door had more to say and do than her. She was just an extra and a blink and you’ll miss Easter egg. In hindsight, she should’ve been one of the people trying to be friendly to Rogue and showing her around or something. Which I think what her role kind of was in Apocalypse. So despite that movie’s flaws, it does do some things right.
Anonymous12(1): @NobleR2096: When I think about what Fox had at their disposal for these movies and most of em just boil down to Wolverine, Magneto and humans hate and fear mutants, I can’t help but feel a little let down. We’ll never see the X-Men fight dinosaurs or a good Apocalypse and Phoenix saga. The fact is they have so much to work with and they don’t know what to do with most of it. I think I heardTom Rothman who was in charge of overseeing projects and productions over at Fox at the time just really didn’t get this shit at all. And now he’s over at Sony, stinking up the place so good luck Sony. Maybe their Kraven and Madame Web movies will fare better than Morbius did.
NobleR2096: @Anonymous: Kraven looks alright... Madame Web looks like a dumpster fire in the making, even if the plot is at least kinda interesting... oh well, I wasn't planning on watching it for the "plot" (if you know what I mean) regardless. It'll make for good fake fodder, though, Shrek'll make sure of that. We'll have to wait till the movie's on home media, though....
Rothman was part of the reason for why X-Men Origins was as bad as it was, by the way.
Anonymous13(1): @NobleR2096: And I heard the other part had something to do with one of the ill fated Game of Thrones showrunners being one of the writers. Personally, I feel mystery is a strong component of what makes a character intriguing so I think giving someone like Logan or Joker a concrete origin story is not a great idea to begin with. I don’t mind a bad movie altogether as long as it’s not boring I guess. The worst thing a movie can do is fail to hold your interest on any level. Ghost Rider movies aren’t what I would call great but I can’t find it in myself to hate them.
Anonymous15(1): @NobleR2096: I’d love to see something that crazy and metal coming from Disney-Marvel but I’m not gonna hold my breath over it. We’ll see what they allow to happen with Deadpool or that toothless and bloodless PG-13 Blade movie that seems to have trouble in its production though.
Anonymous16(1): @NobleR2096: Really? Wow. They have more balls than Sony. Not that an R rating guarantees good movie. All of the gore in the world could not make the new Expendables, Die Hard or Predator movies any more fun.
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"Betsy was picked as one of Apocalypse's Four Horsemen for her incredible 'skills'"
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Zoë Kravitz is hot no matter what role you put her in.
Saw her in the green outfit during some museum trip too. Different actresses for all appearances probably.
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Rothman was part of the reason for why X-Men Origins was as bad as it was, by the way.
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