Anonymous1: Jesus christ. Just simply why someone would draw this? And I can forsee roleplayers gonna say sth like 'pls play with my dead body'. I'm very sorry for anyone who saw the episode and came here just to see this.
Anonymous2: Yeah… I agree anon 1. It’s pretty messed up. I already saw a few people on other websites say similar things to what you said. I too feel sorry for those who watched episode one… and then they see this.
Anonymous4: well Anon 3 here to say I literally just finished the episode, down bad me ends up here, and Wtf man. I went from tears, to horny, to angry now.
Anonymous8: Alright usually I see guys saying no that art of the decapitated girl getting face fucked is disgusting and I'm like yeah I know bro it's ok but it's whatever dude but this no this shit I wish I could tie this sick fuck to a chair smash every finger starting from the first joint chew it off burn the base and work my way to the bottom to EVERY individual finger then chew his face off and with no eye lids SLOWLY rip his eyes out and just enjoy the show
Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Fucking cry about it elsewhere faggot. Must be some special kind of loser to cry about a fucking drawing and episode on a porn site.
“Stop it, get some help.”