Anonymous1: ↑naw I know his dicks 7 inche.s and under that mask I know he has a blue mullet and a hot Beard. Enough for homestar to know he was losing his innocence + virginity cuz of how sexy he would be without his mask and pants
Anonymous2: @Anonymous: a quote from the homestar runner wiki's transcript of sbemail 162, the chair: "'Dear Strong Bad, how come you never take your mask off?.' Like I've said before, this is not a mask. It's my face. But hey, I'll give it a shot! {Strong Bad tugs on his mask until it comes off, and ripping fabric is heard as he does this. He raises the mask above the chair and screams for a few seconds, then puts it back on again, making gurgling noises throughout.}"
Anonymous4: This is sadly factually incorrect, Strong Bad has a 20 meter long penis and gets all the ladies and INFACT! has never been in a sailor outfit with a lollipop for Mother’s Day, he is so sexy man all the ladies want him like he gets all of them, he infact has a 20 jillion blah blah penis man. This makes me so very dissatisfied for the lies you’ve put onto my screen not by force but still put on my screen, i feel dissapointed.
sadostar: gonna be real with you fam, the character being an adult doesn't really excuse it when it's being framed in a childish way, it's still creepy and i still want you 50 feet away from me at all times
Essiecks: @sadostar: You literally posted art of characters depicted in a cutesy and childish way yourself. If you're gonna complain about the way fictional characters are portrayed ESPECIALLY if they're adults, The very least you can do is not contradict yourself.
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