Anonymous3: Naruto is black from the waist down cuz the show is called Naruto. Imegine being hurt by this fact only cuck love this shit LMAO dark skin gentlemen beg for this fucking cringe
Anonymous5(2): @Anonymous: You are reason why Jackass!! You are just another damn troll who act like Mark Hamill's Joker but you are just Jared Leto trash. If you come back respond with your "Lol" and more of you hip saying text, then you had answer your own stupid question.
bonerific: I don't know so many attractive and successful Africans like this anime & why so many of them make this cuck porn shit. Never was a fan of the series because of so much damn filler. This & Bleach were the most boring anime series of all time.
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>Hinata and Naruto.
Should have been canon, but Naruto's lust for redheads backfired on him.