Anonymous1: The idea that the artist looked at that request, the fact that it even used the word “molest,” and figured it was reasonable and okay to fulfill it is beyond me. I have no more words other than Oh god, why?!
Anonymous3: Ok, I was gonna be nice, bet now you've gone to far. So let me explain something, calaziike' s art is not only not better than normal Helluva Boss art, its not art. Its a fucking abomination. I'm surprised you didn't think to complete your art by adding a young Millie joining in. its porn art that you have made INCEST OF, and then, in defiance of god and man and all holy, you put the the child a top the parent, ATOP. THE PARENT, ON TOP THE CHILD,ON BOTTOM, SUBMISSIVE ON DISPLAY LIKE SOME SORT OF CHILD SEX SLAVE! YOU KNOW THE EXPRESSION THERES NO SUCH THING AS BAD SEX OR BAD ART? YOUR ART IS LIKE HAVING SEX WITH A CORPSE MADE OF SANDPAPER! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, THIS IS NOT ART! THIS IS INCEST PASSED OFF AS ART! THIS IS THE WORST THING SINCE THE LOUD HOUSE! NOW! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR FUCKING NOT ART I WANT TOKNOW THAT WHE I GETHORNY AND GO OIN R34 THAT I'M NOT GONNA GOT TO JAIL! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! WHEN I LOOK AT YOU ART I DON'T KNOW WEATHER TO JERK OFF OR CALL CHRIS HANSEN! AND IF IDID CALL HANSEN I WOULD TELL HIM THAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS SHIT! but who are we kidding who uses a table to make incest? you don't use a table to make incest art you use a tablet to fend off anyone who tires to sell you incest art. And the same thing goes for vore you know what i'm saying? Everyone knows there's 3 acceptable item when it comes to vore, there's food water and laxitives
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