weenog: Featured doesn't mean crap, it means noteworthy. Sometimes noteworthy means horrifying, sometimes it means funny, and sometimes it means surprisingly artistic. This is the last one.
TheBigMansini: Props Egypt. Props. I didn't think I'd ever see a time where the masses would forge together to a oust a cruel dictator, but you all have succeeded, and in the course of 3 weeks. I wish good luck to you people Egypt, do make the best of your situation.
Anonymous24: You'd think, considering how the Ancient Egyptians thought the world was created and their highly sexed nature as a nation, there would be more pron.
Although, gotta say...Original Furries.
Also congrats, Modern Egypt. Way to overthrow evil overlord and such.
Anonymous25: A sphinx is a mythical creature with a lion's body and a human head.
The sphinx, in Greek tradition, has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face and breast of a woman. She is treacherous and merciless: those who cannot answer her riddle suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories: they are gobbled up whole and raw, eaten by this ravenous monster. Unlike the Greek sphinx which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man. In addition, the Egyptian sphinx was viewed as benevolent in contrast to the malevolent Greek version and was thought of as a guardian often flanking the entrances to temples.
In European decorative art, the sphinx enjoyed a major revival during the Renaissance. Later, the sphinx image, something very similar to the original Ancient Egyptian concept, was exported into many other cultures, albeit often interpreted quite differently due to translations of descriptions of the originals and the evolution of the concept in relation to other cultural traditions.
Generally the role of sphinxes is associated with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 BC.
-jack: everyone just shut the hell up, nobody cares if its "technically" a sphinx or a griffin or some 3rd thing. Just comment about how awesome it is, how much you hate it, or how much you hate justin beiber and/or that random guy who called you a douche. probably a beiber fan....
if you think im a douche, fine, i dont care nor will i ever. please note that im most likely not coming back to see this so dont waste your time mocking me.
Astute_Anon: Actually, the new boss will be much worse. Once the muslim brotherhood takes over, all hell will break lose - not only n Egypt but the entire middle east.
What happened in Egypt was a transfer of power from one group of people to another. Not democracy. Not a victory. Simply the same old fascism we've come to expect in the middle east.
meowmix: Wow, this is very well drawn. I don't really care if it's a gryphon, sphinx, or whatever, this is really, really REALLY well done. Source on artist? I could care less about any 34 being involved.
Cobra_McJingleballs: woah....reading the congrats on people for overthrowing their government illegally...this has been a pattern going worldwide, young/students demonstrate demanding gov be overthrown...czechoslovakia...serbia...ukraine..now egypt...use of internet to rally impressionable people...will the new government be better for them or world than old? hmm
Anonymous31: @Astute Do you actually have any idea who the MUslim Brotherhood are and what their agenda is? Or do you just look at the name and are all like "Oh no they're muslim, they're exactly like the Taliban or Al'Quaeda".
zhed-grade: Good point anon 29, the muslim brotherhood aren't as hyper hardcore as the taliban and they seem like they ACTUALLY listen to what other people have to say.
That said egypt has a high chance of causing a super-cluster-fuck in the whole middle east; which has so much potential for lulz (israel getting its blockade fucked over, suez canal being cock-blocked, uprisings left right and centre). on that not better stock up on fuel and food cos oil might be about to get real expensive!
should make for some interesting viewing at least *Chuckles from safety bunker in desert*
Cobra_McJingleballs: zhed and 29, the muslim brotherhood was outlawed in egypt because...ummm...they assassinated Sadet and tried to kill the current guy, 30 years ago too which instituted the 30 yr martial law. they are not a good guys organization and they have spawned many splinter groups including hamas, which wanted to be MORE violent. Their stated goal is the destruction of Israel and death to jews. I'm not jewish or anything, but sick of people claiming Israel is occupying palestine land...they won in it a war launched AGAINST THEM. They should give it back when we give the occupied land of california back to Mexico.
ToonedIn: Sphinx: What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 at night?
Oedipus: Hmmm, oh thats easy, I fucked my mom in doggystyle that morning, then fucked her standing that afternoon and fucked her from behind while holding the broom that night...
don't you know? the mexicans are using the illegal immigrants to secretly invade America! It's all in the pamphlets! California will be Mexican again soon!
Anonymous38(31): @Cobra_McJinglebells You're just making shit up now. There is nothing to suggest that Islambouli was in any way affliated with the Brotherhood. They were outlawed because they advocated democracy in a dictatorship, nothing more. For 80 years straight they have been condemning violence and promoting the democratic process, the egyptian branch especially.
Their only beef with Israel is that they are maintaining an Apartheid regime against the Palestinians, it has nothing to do with their religion nor do they pursue the destruction of Israel.
I'd recommend that you stop getting your new from Fox News et al.
Anonymous40: i agree wid anon36...
Fox news DOES hav a tendancy to fuck up the news and then bastardize it to the masses..
Still his grip on history's impressive..
mantinziza: I find it amazing how a picture can cause a political shit storm here. I can't help but histariculy laugh, simply because I think this was featured because they knew it would cause a politcal shit storm. Bravo once again to to this site bringing us free entertainment from the anons, roflmao. I might be wrong about that but who cares it's funny watching people argue about something that isn't gonna make a difference. Lol
Anonymous47: Correction anon 11:
The most famous egyptian sphinx is male, the one made by one of the kings,the same one who made one of the three great pyramids. He showed himself as a sphinx to show his power and wisdom.
There were many other sphinxes.
The greek one is femal, and there is only one.
Wyr: Sphinxes....sphinxi....multiple sphinx are mythical, Egept should go back to the pharaohs, The Brotherhood is bad, mmmkay?, and boobies are hot.
P.S Bieber sucks.
P.p.s. -Jack, since you wont read this, I respect you as a scholar and a gentleman. Now suck it!
Astute_Anon: @Astute "Do you actually have any idea who the MUslim Brotherhood are and what their agenda is? Or do you just look at the name and are all like "Oh no they're muslim, they're exactly like the Taliban or Al'Quaeda"
I know more about the middle east than you could ever know. I know more about world politics than you too. Maybe YOU shouldn't believe the bumber sticker slogans they spew out. No, they're not moderates. They're no different than the Saudi's. They believe that the government should be run by islamic rule. That's all you need to know.
And there will be another rebllion in the future that will overthrow this new government. This cycle will continue as long as they give ultimate power to the government
Astute_Anon: What makes America so special is that we believe in natural rights. That is - rights that we are born with. These rights cannot be taken away by anyone or any government - nor can they be granted by them. They pre-exist. They are self-evident. Unlike other constitutions that give government certain power, ours say's what govt cannot take away from you. Our govn't is limited. That's because people are naturally imperfect and will seek power - so when government - made up of people - have less power, there is more freedom.
-jack: @Wyr no i dont think i will, i actually come back to my previous comments from time to time. but i will say this, thank you for the kind words and i respect you for making me laugh my ass off, i cant remember the last time someone said "suck it" lol.
KingG: I'd tap that, as well.
Sphinx: Human head (usually with crown), Lion body
Griffin: Eagle head and wings, Lion body
This picture is just a mix.
Anonymous58: @Astute Anon:
Well then, since you're ever so knowledgeable about the middle east I'm certain it won't be a problem for you to provide a source or at least some evidence for your claims. To be sure, their eventual aim is a state that accords to certain tenets of Islam, but in that they are really no different than many western (especially american) conservatives if you substitute Christianity for Islam. More importantly thy always advocated the democratic process, meaning that Egypt will only become an islamic state under their rule if the populace actually wants them and votes them into power.
Oh, and natural rights are in no way unique to America. You will find them in nearly every first-world country and basically ever other country that ratified and abides by the human rights charter. Heck, the whole idea has been spwawned in Old Greece and elaborated upon in England, mostly by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, for example in the idea of the social contracts.
Somehow I feel like I've been trolled, but whatever, Poe's law applies.
ForteDF: Perfection. M. Night Shamalyan just creamed his sisters pants so hard, next tuesday im gonna eat taco bell and explode shit for a week in to Steve-O's mouth, who will proceed to vomit it into Opra's ass hole, who will blow it all over David Hasslehoff's chest while he drunkenly treis to eat a cheeseburger.
Anonymous63(23): Nope it's Iceland
Since 940 AD/CE
and (I live in 'Murka) I don't consider America a democracy it's a fucking republic if I ever saw one
zhed-grade: Apparently according to most of the protesters involved ALL the citizens are interested in creating a fair and equal democracy and ensure human rights laws are observed (ie stop torturing the shit out of people) and NOT just create an islamic republic. The muslim brotherhood has not attempted to put one forward ahead of anyone else thus far (to my knowledge).
Nobody is trying to take charge of everything and everyone (christians muslims atheists etc) just want to get along. So mabey if the military don't fuck shit up we may see a secular government(shock horror amrei-fag republicans!).
Most of the fears of an islamic republic are comming from the white media fear of the brown man and iran jumping up and down screaming ISLAMIC REPUBLIC DO IT NAO!
anon 56 good job, you speak far better than me
Also i think the debate arout features like that is as fap worthy as the gigantic sphinx tits
also agin, DANG anon 65 you right, that bitch been workin' out... kind sexy in a weird way.
Anonymous71: Astute_Anon - I completely understand the principal of what you're saying, but what this argument always fails to note is that government is never the sole source of power nor the sole institution that can abuse it. The dismantling of it simply allows all these other institutions - from warbands to noble families to corporations, from the church to the mob - to take power absolutely and do with it as they wish. The answer isn't to axe government in the name of freedom, because the end result of true individual freedom is the total rule over weaker individuals by individuals who have accrued the most personal power. The answer is to channel power equally among all people, by way of a strong, local government under the monitor and control of the vote. Or alternately through the limits of nature, though it should be noted that the places where nature gave limits on power have all been since overrun by the places where it didn't.
Though, yeah, it;s seriously neat.
Cock goes where?
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Given the imagery, this is neither rule 63 nor egyptian mythology.
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Answer: ME!!!
Four legs in the morning, after getting out of bed with one MOTHERFUCKER of a hangover.
Two legs at mid-day: Hey, a guy's gotta work!
Three legs at night: Getting home and fapping away all the day's stress to some hot-ass porn!
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Anon11 - Don't care.
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It looks like gryphon had sex with a Sphinx and this is what came out.
Don't fuck it up now.
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Oh well 'in exile' is always good.
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(and to thecastleman : Greek Sphinx has Wings. Hawk Wings.)
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Some dude who's fucking the Sphinx doggy style.
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@weenog you are right but you forgot titanium's fourth condition which is rarity
Although, gotta say...Original Furries.
Also congrats, Modern Egypt. Way to overthrow evil overlord and such.
The sphinx, in Greek tradition, has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face and breast of a woman. She is treacherous and merciless: those who cannot answer her riddle suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories: they are gobbled up whole and raw, eaten by this ravenous monster. Unlike the Greek sphinx which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man. In addition, the Egyptian sphinx was viewed as benevolent in contrast to the malevolent Greek version and was thought of as a guardian often flanking the entrances to temples.
In European decorative art, the sphinx enjoyed a major revival during the Renaissance. Later, the sphinx image, something very similar to the original Ancient Egyptian concept, was exported into many other cultures, albeit often interpreted quite differently due to translations of descriptions of the originals and the evolution of the concept in relation to other cultural traditions.
Generally the role of sphinxes is associated with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 BC.
if you think im a douche, fine, i dont care nor will i ever. please note that im most likely not coming back to see this so dont waste your time mocking me.
Actually, Egypt traded one authoritarian rule for another.
Meet the new boss, same as the old.
What happened in Egypt was a transfer of power from one group of people to another. Not democracy. Not a victory. Simply the same old fascism we've come to expect in the middle east.
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must be a mirage
That said egypt has a high chance of causing a super-cluster-fuck in the whole middle east; which has so much potential for lulz (israel getting its blockade fucked over, suez canal being cock-blocked, uprisings left right and centre). on that not better stock up on fuel and food cos oil might be about to get real expensive!
should make for some interesting viewing at least *Chuckles from safety bunker in desert*
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Oedipus: Hmmm, oh thats easy, I fucked my mom in doggystyle that morning, then fucked her standing that afternoon and fucked her from behind while holding the broom that night...
don't you know? the mexicans are using the illegal immigrants to secretly invade America! It's all in the pamphlets! California will be Mexican again soon!
i am dissapoint.
Their only beef with Israel is that they are maintaining an Apartheid regime against the Palestinians, it has nothing to do with their religion nor do they pursue the destruction of Israel.
I'd recommend that you stop getting your new from Fox News et al.
Fox news DOES hav a tendancy to fuck up the news and then bastardize it to the masses..
Still his grip on history's impressive..
Now, the news I make up in my mind is fair and balanced.
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It is pronounced ' VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!'
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Also anon40 fails it, it's cîon
indeed. valid correction good sir.
The most famous egyptian sphinx is male, the one made by one of the kings,the same one who made one of the three great pyramids. He showed himself as a sphinx to show his power and wisdom.
There were many other sphinxes.
The greek one is femal, and there is only one.
P.S Bieber sucks.
P.p.s. -Jack, since you wont read this, I respect you as a scholar and a gentleman. Now suck it!
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I know more about the middle east than you could ever know. I know more about world politics than you too. Maybe YOU shouldn't believe the bumber sticker slogans they spew out. No, they're not moderates. They're no different than the Saudi's. They believe that the government should be run by islamic rule. That's all you need to know.
And there will be another rebllion in the future that will overthrow this new government. This cycle will continue as long as they give ultimate power to the government
Now that that's over with, back to fapping.
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Sphinx: Human head (usually with crown), Lion body
Griffin: Eagle head and wings, Lion body
This picture is just a mix.
Well then, since you're ever so knowledgeable about the middle east I'm certain it won't be a problem for you to provide a source or at least some evidence for your claims. To be sure, their eventual aim is a state that accords to certain tenets of Islam, but in that they are really no different than many western (especially american) conservatives if you substitute Christianity for Islam. More importantly thy always advocated the democratic process, meaning that Egypt will only become an islamic state under their rule if the populace actually wants them and votes them into power.
Oh, and natural rights are in no way unique to America. You will find them in nearly every first-world country and basically ever other country that ratified and abides by the human rights charter. Heck, the whole idea has been spwawned in Old Greece and elaborated upon in England, mostly by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, for example in the idea of the social contracts.
Somehow I feel like I've been trolled, but whatever, Poe's law applies.
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Porn…in my paheal?!
Since 940 AD/CE
and (I live in 'Murka) I don't consider America a democracy it's a fucking republic if I ever saw one
Human: Sorry, I can´t stop stare at your tits!
Nobody is trying to take charge of everything and everyone (christians muslims atheists etc) just want to get along. So mabey if the military don't fuck shit up we may see a secular government(shock horror amrei-fag republicans!).
Most of the fears of an islamic republic are comming from the white media fear of the brown man and iran jumping up and down screaming ISLAMIC REPUBLIC DO IT NAO!
anon 56 good job, you speak far better than me
Also i think the debate arout features like that is as fap worthy as the gigantic sphinx tits
also agin, DANG anon 65 you right, that bitch been workin' out... kind sexy in a weird way.
Egypt... much like this hot sphinx... is fucked royaly.
Fucked... ROYALY...
69 interrupted by a period!
missing tag: rule_63
the original sphynx is male ^^
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