purpleblastoise: You are competing with Black Kings and are failing horribly. The only hope for you is marrying a 35 year old obese white woman who has already had multiple black babies from several fathers.
Anonymous1: @purpleblastoise: I'm way more worried about AI. Blacks do get sluts, but they´ll be never be able to draw fingers. AI one day might just learn.
Anonymous2: @purpleblastoise: I cum all bullshitters like you ya know why? Because I don’t play by your rules I do things my way and my way only bitches.
bonerific: @purpleblastoise: Meanwhile IRL the later is more likely to happen. I can't tell you how many black cucks end up marrying the post-wall 35 years old mudsharks they knocked up, turning them in single mothers, only to end up getting divorced & becoming single mothers again for the rest of their lives. Literally no one want you back once you go black.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Jesus chris, get a life bro. And that goes for everyone else hating on this. I jerk off to this shit and even I think you're all pathetic. Let that sink in.
lazarus: @bonerific: What's that got to do with the image that properly won't happen in the anime, and this is just cuck fantasy. And this is hentai. Not real.
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