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Anonymous1: this picture made me lol more than fap.
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Anonymous2: this picture made me more fap than lol.
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Anonymous3: The title of the image at Pixiv labels them as Tatl (from Majora's Mask) and Navi (from Ocarina of Time). The artist describes them as "Link's sweethearts, 1st and 2nd" in the description. So yeah, edited the tags here to reflect that.
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Anonymous4: Finger puppets
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sgf: Dear god, if Navi actually looked like that, she'd be a little bit more bearable. A LITTLE.
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Anonymous5: now all they need is to take off their panties
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zaperatus: Hey! Listen! Rub more!
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Anonymous6: This picture mad me lol and fap the same amount
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Anonymous7: This picture did not make me lol, but the comments did, and I lol'd while fapping.
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Anonymous8: @sfg: you think navi is annoying?
Two words: kaepora gaebora.
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Anonymous9: ^This.
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Anonymous10: Anon7: You think Kaepora Gaebora is bad?
You must've never heard of that fucked up little cheapskate of a pedofile named Tingle.
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Weapon_R: you think tingle is bad? you must have never met the mask salesman
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Anonymous11: You think the mask salesman is worse? You must not know Sakon.
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Anonymous12(11): Sakon is annoying? Not as much as the bombers.
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Anonymous13(11): You the the bombers are annoying? You must be unfamiliar with the moon.
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Anonymous14(11): *think
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Anonymous15(11): c-c-c-combo breaker!
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Anonymous16(10): No. . .Tingle's still the worst. . .
He charges you thousands of rupees to translate your seachart for fuck's sake, and inslaved his brother and. . .friend. . .to turn a giant wooden carving of his misshapen head.
Show a picture of Tingle to the big hairy photo place guy, and he tells you that "He's actually a kindhearted boy. . ." and goes into a mental breakdown. . .
Tingle is worst fairy.
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Anonymous17: You faggots think tingle is the worst, Search youtube 'day four' and say hello to BEN
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Anonymous18: @pic YES
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Anonymous19: Tatl's a guy though...
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: Hey uh, having fun talking to yourself there?
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Anonymous21: Worse than all of the above: Majora
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Anonymous22: Tingle need to be a main villain in one of the games . so how do all of you guys/girl like this?
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Anonymous23: @Anonymous: Tatl is a girl... Tael is the boy...
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WannaSuck: Cute pantsus
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Turbotowns: Handful of Fairies.

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