Anonymous1: An Injustice version of Diana that can actually get along with Bruce and isn’t a bloodthirsty psycho who runs people through with her sword? Must be from a different earth.
Anonymous3(1): @Anonymous: Yeah, the good versions of Clark and Diana that got completely left out so we’re stuck with only the asshole versions.
Also I find it odd that they brought Ollie from another earth just to replace the missing dead one in theirs but didn’t do that for Billy. Even though they have Black Adam and could easily release a skin alternate with tweaks and a different voice like they did with Black Lightning, Power Girl, Jon Stewart, Vixen, Mr. Freeze, etc. Almost feels like an intentional snub.
Also I find it odd that they brought Ollie from another earth just to replace the missing dead one in theirs but didn’t do that for Billy. Even though they have Black Adam and could easily release a skin alternate with tweaks and a different voice like they did with Black Lightning, Power Girl, Jon Stewart, Vixen, Mr. Freeze, etc. Almost feels like an intentional snub.