Anonymous6: I'm convinced that Kamehasutra 3(Bulma), 4(Videl), and many other "movies" Desto made don't actually exist past coverart like this. Think about it. Desto USUALLY animates over existing drawn material to make his movies. There isn't really a proper Bulma/Goten/Trunks comic or set of images he could pull from, especially around 2011 when this image first appeared on his main site. The Kamehasutra 4 is seemingly based on the ending of the normal Chichi kamehasutra comic. So there's that, but I still feel it doesn't exist.
Anyway, you can't convince me that in over 10 years NO ONE purchased this from Desto and leaked it any where. The internet has always been a dick to NSFW content creators and I feel the only reason a lot of these movies haven't been bought and leaked is because there nothing to buy. It's not like he even mentions them in his patreon.
thank me later
Anyway, you can't convince me that in over 10 years NO ONE purchased this from Desto and leaked it any where. The internet has always been a dick to NSFW content creators and I feel the only reason a lot of these movies haven't been bought and leaked is because there nothing to buy. It's not like he even mentions them in his patreon.