Anonymous1: zoomers will never understand this, because they have no imaginations
but sometimes it's better to have no audio at all than have these fucking shrill, inorganic, out of place harpy shrieks
Smut-Seeker: @Anonymous: I'm not a zoomer and I prefer audio over no audio. The mute button exists moron. Also the animation itself could use some work.
Anonymous7(1): @Anonymous: we're not the same person. but am I to understand that you were totally fine with the rest of the video and you only had the will to crawl out of your den to piss and moan over my opinion on the audio?
fuck me, i just feel sorry for you. enjoy yourself i guess, hope things get better for you and just so you know...
there's better rule 34 than this.
but sometimes it's better to have no audio at all than have these fucking shrill, inorganic, out of place harpy shrieks
The mute button exists
You: I'm going to bitch and complain for sound's mere existence.
- Reply
Mute button exist, and people disagree with you.
You: Come back as a seperate anonymous to make it look like other people agree with you.
fuck me, i just feel sorry for you. enjoy yourself i guess, hope things get better for you and just so you know...
there's better rule 34 than this.