FeetLovers8841: As Lilo was swimming in the sea in her nude careless bliss, kicking her bubbling feet across the water and letting her pussy take in the warmness of the water, Pudge came back after having finished his sandwich. "Obhbh, hbibi Pbubdbgbe. Fbibnibsbhbebd ablbrbeabdby?" Lilo asked as Pudge began swimming very closely to Lilo. He swam right in between her legs as she released underwater laughter. Then she turned around to see that Pudge wanted to lick her vagina. "Pbubdbgbe?… Dbobo ybobu… Lbibke mbe?" Lilo gurgled. Pudge answered her question by licking her vagina as Lilo moaned in bubbly pleasure. Each kick felt so blissful she couldn’t help but enjoy it. Pudge licked her pussy and it utterly stimulated her into wanting more. Pudge kept licking and then kissing. Lilo was quickly falling in love with this fish as he was actually treating her cunt as a gentleman would. Her toes were flailing in the feeling. She soon released cum wildly. "ABHBHBHBHbhbhbhbhbh!!!" Lilo sighed in relieving relaxation. Pudge began eating the cum blobs she released. "Obhbhbh, Pbubdbgbe!" she said as she kissed Pudge and began making out with him under the sea while she continued cumming.
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