Anonymous3: @bonerific: Hitler started his illegal expansions with annexations under pretense of protecting germans in other countries, putin illegally annexes parts of Ukraine under the pretense of protecting russians there. In so far the comaprison is correct. Maybe open a book from time to time, pol doesn't count, faggot.
bonerific: @Anonymous: I have read your ((history books)). They are full of shit.
The (((history books))) don't tell you the part where the USSR was planning on invading Poland first. The (((books))) don't tell the part where Pols were massacring Germans stranded on land they lost after WW1. Those (((books))) also doesn't mention the Tsar king & how the Bolsheviks commies where (((foreign Red Jews))) & Jews from Wallstreet where funding Antifa during the Wiemar Republic & the fact Hitler sent 12 peace offerings to (((Churchill))). All his peace negogiations went on deaf ears. The (((books))) also don't tell you how (((Churchill))) was the real warmonger & how he was a drunkard. Nevermind the fact (((FDR))) knew about (((Pearl Harbor))) before it happened.
Like a typical redditard, you think you know everything when you know nothing, so me remind you: The same (((people))) who write your (((history books))) are the same people who control your (((press))), your (((media))), your (((entertainment)), your (((banks))), your (((corporations))), & your (((government)). There are a group of (((committees))) that write your (((history books))) & they don't give a shit about you. They expect you to glorify criminals & demonize innocents. Don't believe? You Amerimutts created idols of a moon cricket ex-porn with a lengthy criminal history because he "couldn't breathe".
As usual, Amerimutts prove they knowing about actual history & instead the believe the decades of (((propaganda))) & treat it as "facts". You've been fed lies your wholes lives & you wonder why your country ranted 30th in terms of excelling in math. Just accept it, Ameritard. You've been lied to.
bonerific: @Anonymous: I don't think so. After all the fake news, censorship, shadow banning, deplatforming, demonotization, gaslighting, namecalling, & "hate speech" bullshit, you really think the other side is going to side with you? Please. Where have you been the last 2 years? Under a bridge?
ohmanwhatsthis: I don't think you had enough triple parentheses in that unhinged rant there about how everyone who points out The Protocols were known to be a plagiarized forgery from the day they were first disseminated is a deep state shill, friendo
Regardless, as if we needed even more evidence, you claiming that there are zero parallels to be drawn between the imperialist, homophobic ethnic cleanser you worship and the one you don't exclusively because the optics are bad simply shows you know jack shit about either
bonerific: @Anonymous: Don't worry. The feeling is mutual.
@Anonymous: 30 years of mindless propaganda from American schools have made your country ranked 30th as far as results are concerned. Your propaganda & education is a joke. If you don't believe me, watch "Stupid In America". Your teachers can't teach & your public schools look more like prison camps as far as aesthetics are concerned.
@Anonymous: I'm an austie, not a schizo. Learn the difference. I just happen to be well-informed about these topics. If you want to fight for Ukraine, go fly over there & fight for them. See how well they welcome foreigners like you. You won't even be given POW status. They'll line you up against the wall & execute you.
Anonymous6: @bonerific: Schizo, autistic..who cares, it's both different flavours of retarded in the end. No, you think you are well informed because you are, frankly said, much more cognitively limited than the average dude due to your retardation. You don't notice it yourself, but the rest of the world sees it clear as day and just laughs at you. You think you are hot shit, but for everyone else you just sound like CWC. Only your sperg obsession is imageboard cringe instead of Sonic.
Nobody said anything about fighting in Ukraine as a foreigner, thats your retarded mind playing tricks on you again.
Anonymous8: Je ne vais même pas faire l'effort d'aller sur Google Traduction pour traduire mon commentaire alors je dirais juste ceci : en voyant les commentaires ici j'ai envie de quitter ce monde de fou.
Pire encore je pense que la planète a vraiment besoin de se rebeller ces derniers temps car l'espèce humaine devient de pire en pire de jour en jour et ce peu importe les sujets qui y sont abordés.
Anonymous9: @bonerific: why are (((you))) calling history books jews lol, is that how much of a degenerate (((you))) are? I bet if (((you))) were american, (((you)))'d be one of those retards supporting the confederacy(ps, I'm not a (((hitlerite))), I'm just mocking (((you))))
Anonymous10: @bonerific: You poor deluded Nazi. American history text books suck, but not nearly as much as whatever 4Chan Board you learned history from
- Reply
>Comparing Putin to Hitler
Hello, Cringe Department
The (((history books))) don't tell you the part where the USSR was planning on invading Poland first. The (((books))) don't tell the part where Pols were massacring Germans stranded on land they lost after WW1. Those (((books))) also doesn't mention the Tsar king & how the Bolsheviks commies where (((foreign Red Jews))) & Jews from Wallstreet where funding Antifa during the Wiemar Republic & the fact Hitler sent 12 peace offerings to (((Churchill))). All his peace negogiations went on deaf ears. The (((books))) also don't tell you how (((Churchill))) was the real warmonger & how he was a drunkard. Nevermind the fact (((FDR))) knew about (((Pearl Harbor))) before it happened.
Like a typical redditard, you think you know everything when you know nothing, so me remind you: The same (((people))) who write your (((history books))) are the same people who control your (((press))), your (((media))), your (((entertainment)), your (((banks))), your (((corporations))), & your (((government)). There are a group of (((committees))) that write your (((history books))) & they don't give a shit about you. They expect you to glorify criminals & demonize innocents. Don't believe? You Amerimutts created idols of a moon cricket ex-porn with a lengthy criminal history because he "couldn't breathe".
As usual, Amerimutts prove they knowing about actual history & instead the believe the decades of (((propaganda))) & treat it as "facts". You've been fed lies your wholes lives & you wonder why your country ranted 30th in terms of excelling in math. Just accept it, Ameritard. You've been lied to.
Regardless, as if we needed even more evidence, you claiming that there are zero parallels to be drawn between the imperialist, homophobic ethnic cleanser you worship and the one you don't exclusively because the optics are bad simply shows you know jack shit about either
@Anonymous: 30 years of mindless propaganda from American schools have made your country ranked 30th as far as results are concerned. Your propaganda & education is a joke. If you don't believe me, watch "Stupid In America". Your teachers can't teach & your public schools look more like prison camps as far as aesthetics are concerned.
@Anonymous: I'm an austie, not a schizo. Learn the difference. I just happen to be well-informed about these topics. If you want to fight for Ukraine, go fly over there & fight for them. See how well they welcome foreigners like you. You won't even be given POW status. They'll line you up against the wall & execute you.
Nobody said anything about fighting in Ukraine as a foreigner, thats your retarded mind playing tricks on you again.
@bonerific: not gonna happen.
Pire encore je pense que la planète a vraiment besoin de se rebeller ces derniers temps car l'espèce humaine devient de pire en pire de jour en jour et ce peu importe les sujets qui y sont abordés.