Anonymous6(4): The head is too fat, and there's a bit too many teeth. Elites bleed purple, so the dick wouldn't be pink (I think). Oh, and why are the eyes white? I thought they were supposed to be yellow with snake-like slit pupils? Still pretty damn good though. LOL, Bungie keeps changing shit in the Halo-verse. I'd bet that Elites and other species are gonna look different in the next game, if there is one.
Anonymous9: um anon 8 are you black? for white people we actually have purple-ish heads cause of the concentration of blood, and the shaft is a bit red, and take into consideration the difference of species. >_>
goddamn close minded black hoodlums...
(commence back in my day speech)
also methados, please make a pic of either of these: Hunter pair doing a female elite.
Spec-ops grunt squad (from reach) doing Female noble six.
thank you in advance
Anonymous23: it would be awkward if her shields reactivated..., electro-stimulation for both of them (i read on a halo fansite that if organic matter tries to go through shields, it gets tazed)
YetAnotherAnon: The only problem I can see with people making female Noble Six is that you never see her face and everybody will have a different helmet for her... really I can see it turning into another 'this isn't fem shep' fest.
But otherwise bring on NOBLE SIX!
(female of course)
Anonymous26: I like the original sangheili (elites), these new ones don't look as good I mean look how ugly the arbiter was in Halo: Wars! Why did they change them?!
Anonymous33: You guys do realize that in the previous Halo games, you play a Spartan 2 and not a Spartan 3 right? The Elites didn't get bigger, you got smaller. Jorge and Chief are both Spartan 2s hence why they are so fucking big. The rest of Noble team are just under 7 foot from what I can tell. Pint size compared to Elites.
Anonymous50(48): this is to number 33 every member of noble team are 2s except for kat and maybe noble six because the armour so give all the facts right.
Anonymous58: Methados, if you bothered to read this far in the comments this long after posting the picture (date of post for comments isn't shown, it's currently 10/03/11), I don't like when human characters 9male or female) are being fucked in full armor. Also, I really prefer the concept of the sex being voluntary on both sides, meaning that, rather than the sangheili (elite) rapes the other person (there's alot of gay porn on this site) the two are just doing it. That leaves room for stuff like
the woman enjoying it instead of struggling in pain. If you have something along these lines, please let me know.
- Reply
The reason he looks like that is because thats the new look for the Elites in Halo. Bungie made them bigger and scarier to make them better badguys.
What else would fuck her? The rest of Noble Team?
.... wait, that gives me an idea
For porn I like the old style more but for this seeing as Kat is from Halo Reach I thought I'd use the Halo Reach Elites
goddamn close minded black hoodlums...
(commence back in my day speech)
also methados, please make a pic of either of these: Hunter pair doing a female elite.
Spec-ops grunt squad (from reach) doing Female noble six.
thank you in advance
i don't really care but correcting people like him is fun for me.
But otherwise bring on NOBLE SIX!
(female of course)
- Reply
but if is you replace kat and put #6, this is going to be canon (but needs more elites).
6 having lesbiean sex
the woman enjoying it instead of struggling in pain. If you have something along these lines, please let me know.