Anonymous7: Kai, always me, I miss you just unlock me we didn’t anything wrong and if we did we did it together and I liked it and I think you liked it too so just unlock me. I really miss you let me just say u goodbye.
Don’t know what happened to you but sometimes all I think about is you.
I didn’t sleep tonight because I was thinking about you. We can be just friends if you don’t want us to be more than friends.
Please Kai just unlock me because I miss you and I like you.
Your dear davidelosquadro#8454
Discord: davidelosquadro#8454
Don’t know what happened to you but sometimes all I think about is you.
I didn’t sleep tonight because I was thinking about you. We can be just friends if you don’t want us to be more than friends.
Please Kai just unlock me because I miss you and I like you.
Your dear davidelosquadro#8454