Phantasmagoria: Technically, it's only huge in comparison to the fact that he is an apple. It's probably only about three inches or so.. But for an apple? Holy hell, you better keep your cherries locked up tight. And look at his expression! Clearly, he is the bad kind of apple...
Anonymous38: Funny how i hate all the nazi antidisestablishmentarianism BS in the past being featured, and I hate poor-quality pics being featured, and that "yellow BG+blue cloud shape+line and asterisk=OMGMARGESIMPSONFEATURENAO!" BS being featured... but this.. makes me laugh, and appreciate this being featured since this IS art, non nazi, non-bs, and I can TELL what it is.. yeah, that's my word on it.
Weapon_R: good dog... thank you titanium, for i will never for the rest of my life unsee this, and every time i look at a periodic table, this is what i wil see...
Anonymous49: @Kharnov: Yes, it is. The one where he sees himself through the window as a female banana (with a man's face) and he does a strip-dance for himself.
Anonymous76: OH DEAR GOD THE HORROR! THE HORROR!!! MY LIFE HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY SCARRED! *crawls into a fetal position and proceeds to suck thumb for hours on end*
Anonymous80: Kage Dropcut: why feature the crappiest piece they can find? ANSWER: It's practically an honored tradition here to do just that! It's for the lolz!
"Sometimes something can be so ugly that it can actually be beautiful."
That was his actual thoughts when he puppeteered as Aughra in The Dark Crystal (puppeteered, not did the voice of... not in the final version, anyway).
Can I leave?
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Other than that, this is a very hairy apple.
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I always LMFAO!
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Go climb a wall of dicks.
If this thing was singing it, it would make it THAT much better
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Rule 34: There _is_ porn of it.
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I hope all your knuckle children called you.
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Apple creampie?
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what or who encoraged someone to draw this
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that scene from chowder when hes screaming
if he asked
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I win.
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*sage nod*
... HEY-EY-EEEYYYY.... YOU'RE one of those dumbassfags, aren't you, duckpenisexpert? :D
"Sometimes something can be so ugly that it can actually be beautiful."
That was his actual thoughts when he puppeteered as Aughra in The Dark Crystal (puppeteered, not did the voice of... not in the final version, anyway).
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