Anonymous3(2): If Delete was real, we would have a lot of hot crazy sweaty pleasurable sex together like no next smallest percentage of a nanosecond until we have giant massive shrieking piss fucking back-arching explosive peeing orgasms together at the point of our whole entire bodies from head to toe being all heavily blushed in the color of blood-shot red and squirting out of control and Delete’s sperm cells fertilizing all of my ovum cells. As Delete spurts and plants all of his Paternal Seeds inside of My Cradle, I will feel our baby growing inside of my uterus for 9 months (all though, pregnancy will be a complete FUCKING accident😏) until it’s time to give birth to Delete’s baby. When I give birth to Delete’s baby, the level 1000 painful contractions will hurt a million times worse than super hell so much that I will actually start to feel so happy for myself that Delete was the first robot to Knock me the Fuck Up with his precious kid. The baby is gonna be a girl and look like Myself & Delete and it’s gonna be an Italian American Cyborg (because I’m Italian American). Her name will be Alt Deletion Bot (because when I read Delete’s information on the wiki fandom, it said that his full name is Delete Irving Bot). Then, Delete and I have a baby daughter after being all sexually crazy and psychotically horny together. Especially after the times Delete FULL-ON Urinated inside of my uterus before he got me pregnant.
(Oh Shit! Delete and I are Now Officially Parents of 1 Cyborg Daughter named Alt Deletion Bot! 😜👍)
Oh and before you remind me about anything else, Delete would most rather be in Our Baby’s life than the children you Think you had with him because he loves me the most besides Buzz being his best friend. Something is really telling me that Delete would be a really good father to Our baby anyways. Delete and I will both take loving care of our Daughter, Alt. Together.
>> we also strongly urinate explosively all over the place way too far past beyond majorly OUT OF CONTROL like an overpowered fire truck water hose for a really long time until our orgasms are over.
>> We even caused a lot of the major floods, power outages, scary lightning storms, massive tornadoes, and hurricanes in this country because of Our Super Duper Ultra Mega Mighty Strongly Explosive Out of Control Orgasms. Our clitoral and penile orgasms last for 384 hours.
>> wipe our asses with the same wipe together
>> we also deeply inhale each other’s farts 24/7 even if it’s the most stinkiest flatulence we ever smelled in our entire lives
Me too. I would love to bang the living shits out of Delete so desperately! ~❤️
(Oh Shit! Delete and I are Now Officially Parents of 1 Cyborg Daughter named Alt Deletion Bot! 😜👍)
Oh and before you remind me about anything else, Delete would most rather be in Our Baby’s life than the children you Think you had with him because he loves me the most besides Buzz being his best friend. Something is really telling me that Delete would be a really good father to Our baby anyways. Delete and I will both take loving care of our Daughter, Alt. Together.
>> we also strongly urinate explosively all over the place way too far past beyond majorly OUT OF CONTROL like an overpowered fire truck water hose for a really long time until our orgasms are over.
>> We even caused a lot of the major floods, power outages, scary lightning storms, massive tornadoes, and hurricanes in this country because of Our Super Duper Ultra Mega Mighty Strongly Explosive Out of Control Orgasms. Our clitoral and penile orgasms last for 384 hours.
>> wipe our asses with the same wipe together
>> we also deeply inhale each other’s farts 24/7 even if it’s the most stinkiest flatulence we ever smelled in our entire lives