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Anonymous1: I prefer thinking of Videl as Gotens mother!
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Anonymous2: same
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Anonymous3: becuz the only reason why he could fuck her is she being his mother
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BetterGetUsedTo: She meant "anal sex".
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: They've interacted one time and for some reason you think of her as his mother when he already has one. Some people are weirdo's.
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Anonymous5: don't say stupid things, Videl could in any case be his older sister. This is a porn site, stop being so toxic, here anything can happen. The artist did an excellent job here, I prefer Trunks and Videl for the next one.
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Anonymous6: Its amazing how toxicity still exists on a fucking porn site
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Anonymous7: saying my head canon makes no sense is extremely toxic and reactionary. #cancelled
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Youre the one taking cartoon porn seriously so… whos the weirdo here?
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Anonymous9(7): making fun of a completely arbitrary timeline is "toxicity" well idk about you anons but i prefer to think of pan as roshi's mom
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: You can do whatever teh fuck makes you horny.