Anonymous2: @Anonymous: @Shin_Nightmare: this is not AU. this is stupid and pedo. you still mistake the original gwen for older if you know well that she is officially 10 years old. this is not lesbian that's pedo.
Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: this is starfire who is officially a 17-19 year old young adult / teenager, these sick idiots are pairing her up with gwen who is officially 10 years old. that's not adorable the way they are sharing it's pedo. you mean
biesiuss: its Benfire, punks; and complaining about the age of fictional characters in a site dedicated to porn of everything in excitence is silly as pissing in the ocean.
biesiuss: @Anonymous: please do and show us; and Im issuing a challenge: do this very same pic and pose but with Gwen and Ben in the ages in Alienforce; and the likeness too.
Anonymous12(10): @Anonymous: "I'm so offended because there is fictional porn of fictional characters". Shut up dude , and also if plagiarizing is a crime , hope you enjoy prison and fines nimrod
Anonymous13(10): Tons of stupid imbeciles who cant differentiate REAL LIFE CHILDREN from FICTIONAL DRAWING MADE OF INK ONES , my gosh bruh , do guys not have brains? why should we give rights to drawings? they arent real people , heck are we gonna imprison people who draw stickmen on paper and then rip that paper into pieces with manslaughter? are we gonna imprison Marvel Studios for having thanos snapping half the pop into dust? THIS IS FICTION , USE YOUR BRAINS
Anonymous15: Ben can turn into aliens. Starefire is a Tammaranean, an alien species. Even though it wouldn't change his sex, but who cares if it's cute/hot. Also there's nothing wrong with masturbating and cumming to cartoon little girls.
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Be ashamed of yourself and enjoy the site
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Get the fuck outta here
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